Chapter 4

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It's been a week since I was taken to Wakanda and I gotta say I really like it here. I've been learning a lot about their culture and even got my 30 inch bust down braided by the nice old wakandian lady in town. I was able to fix my phone with some scraps around the lab and made it even better, it can now have service all over the world and is solar powered. Apple eat your heart out! Although I haven't had time to call Tyrell and tell him i'm okay, Shuri has made sure i've been busy by giving me very difficult tasks to complete. I'm starting to think it's about more than her not being use to me and that she just plain doesn't like me. She has me trying to realign the quadromatic clydotron to the hylien projector which is very tedious and felt more like busy work. I finally finish it after 2 days of nonstop work and call Shuri over. I turn on the machine and it roars to life with a soft blue glow.

"Hm, took you long enough. I thought for someone so smart you'd be a lot faster."

She said smugly about to walk away but all the passive aggressive comments from the entire week finally made me snap.

"Bitch what is your issue?"

I said angrily getting into her face.

"I don't have an issu-"

"Yes the fuck you do, now get to talking or shut the fuck up!"

Shuri looked visibly taken a back by my sudden anger but she returned it back to me with the same intensity.

"You think you can come into MY lab and find flaws in my version of vibranium?! I saw your stupid project where you took one of my spears and pour that damn acid on it! You wouldn't have gotten this chance if your dumb ass project wasn't such a threat to our way of life!"

She shouted but her face told a different story, she had this deep sadness in her eyes which contrasted from her angry tone and demeanor. I didn't give a fuck though, she's been nit picking me since I got here. She deserves to feel bad for how she's been treating me.

"Yet here we are, you might be the "smartest" but all it takes is one little slip up and out you go."

I smirked and pressed a finger to her collarbone.

"One. Little. Flaw."

I said poking her repeatedly to put emphasis on each word. I kept eye contact with her before giving her a smirk and turning to walk off.

"Hey! I challenge you to a build off!"

The whole place gasped as the nosy scientists present were now fully invested in this quarrel.

"You're fucking on you punk ass black bitch!"

I stormed out the lab fucking pissed and went back into my room. I sat in my living room for a few minutes trying to calm myself down but Shuri's constant pestering has really gotten under my skin. Enwo enters my room seeing me on my couch upset and looks visibly shook.

"You good?"

I asked confused as to what she looks so shook for.

"Did you seriously agree to have a build off with Shuri, the smartest in Wakanda?!"

"Uh yeah, she needs to learn that she can't keep pushing me around."

"I get that but she can build weapons of mass destruction in her sleep and the literal backbone of our nation;Do you really think you can beat her?"

"Do I think I can beat her?! Hell yeah I think I can beat her!"

I lied not being 100% certain of my success but if Tyrell was here he would tell me to try even if I couldn't plus she disrespected me. I couldn't let the disrespect go unpunished.

"Do you even know what you'll be building?"

She asked still shook at the idea that someone would even dare to challenge Shuri.

"No but I won't have to build anything crazy, all I need to do is ruin hers and I have just the thing to do it."

Heart shaped herb  (SHURI X YANNA) Where stories live. Discover now