Chapter 207: The blades, The Hammers, and The Spear

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[Foot of the Mountain]

Wielding both the serpent fang and the rageblade at the same time, Shun then entered into his stance as he readied himself to launch forward the moment Adelfried took any unnecessary action. At the same time Adelfried himself also grew curious to the new weapons that Shun had summoned as he wielded the spear into his own attacking stance.

After a moment of silence Adelfried then shot himself forward, as Shun simultaneously moved at the same time and dashed towards him. But before both of them could meet midway through their charge, Ornn then suddenly appeared out of nowhere and obstructed Adelfried's route with a hammer down smash from his left hammer.

Kicking up the rubble and the dust from the smashing impact, Adelfried then took a huge jump back as he saw Ornn glare at him with its fiery eyes. But before he could even exact a quick counter towards such huge champion, Shun then jumped above Ornn's hammer as he delivered a sword strike from above.

Mimicking a raging wild air current in his rageblade, Shun then used one of Yasuo's skill as he sent out a huge sharp tornado along its path.

"Steel Tempest!!!"

Faced with such attack, Adelfried quickly rolled to the side as he dodged Shun's initial attack and delivered a quick stab forward with his spear.

"Water Piercer!!!"

But in response to such quick counter, Shun then layered up multiple defensive skills from his champion's as he enveloped himself with a thick protective barrier.

"Courage!!! Barrier!!! Bop n Block!!! Prismatic barrier!!!"

Tanking the attack to the point that it is enough to slightly derail him from his course, Shun then successfully blocked the attack as he landed to the ground and once more charge forward. This time Yuumi was currently following him from behind as she used her skills in order to assist Shun in attacking his target.

"Prowling projectile!!!"

The moment Adelfried saw this attack he then quickly made a run for it as he came I between the trees and tried to snipe down the attack in between the gap of his run using small water projectiles enhanced by the Aquasphere. Soon after his 10th try, he then successfully shot down the attack as he charged forward and attacked Shun.

The instant they met, both of them begun exchanging attacks one after another without any intent of backing down at all. If there was a need to dodge, they would then dodge. If there was a need to block, they would then block. If there was a need to counter back, they would do so likely.

After their 20th continues exchange, Adelfried then quickly ducked down in order to avoid a swing from Shun as he gathered mana unto his palm and blasted him away in a single push to his guts. The moment Shun got pushed away, he then intended to quickly follow up the attack with numerous strikes from his critical area, however Yuumi then suddenly intervened in between as she shot out her own ultimate which hindered Adelfried attempt to chain his attacks.

"Final Chapter!!!"

For some reason he somehow felt that if he were git by such an attack, he would naturally be at a disadvantage the moment he showed that slight opening in his movement and such a situation was not a good thing at all. Unfortunately unknown to him either getting caught by Yuumi's ultimate or not doesn't change a thing in Shun's tactic. The fact that he tried to do something with Yuumi's ultimate was enough to give Ornn an edge in his ambush and slammed him squarely to the side.

However even though Ornn manage to deliver a powerful blow towards Adelfried, the person himself passively used his mobile barrier to block the hammer smash and reduce the I.pact his body would receive. Thus despite being blown to the side, Adlefried's body didn't acquire any damage at all from that perfect ambush.

But that didn't end there at all. Shun knew of the capabilities that Adelfried's barrier can handle and knew that the person himself would use such means to save himself in dire situation. In fact the barrier itself is the thing that put him and the others who entered the mountain cave with him in a disadvantage, thus in order to have a fighting chance, he need to have a method that would get rid of his mobile barrier.

With that in mind, Shun used the chance that Adelfried was recollecting himself as he charged forward and attacked from the side once more. With Ornn joining in, the pressure that Adelfried carry doubled than usual. Doubled to the fact that he can't even manage to deliver a counter blow. All he could do was stay on the defensive while being attacked in two fronts.

Naturally such a situation angered Adelfried himself, however no matter what he do, he just can't get himself out from this deadlock of attack from both sides.

"Volcanic Rupture!!!"

Energizing his hammer with an element of earth and flame, Ornn smashed down a skill towards Adelfried  which warrants the mobile barrier to pop up and block the attack for him. Since the attack was considered dangerous, the mobile barrier naturally moved according to its program as it predictably protected its caster. However this situation was what Shun expected to happen in the first place.

Using the serpent fang on his hand, he then infused a tremendous mana unto his weapon as he stabbed it straight towards Adelfried's mobile barrier and struck it squarely on its surface aura. Soon after due to the serpents fangs unique trait, a sharp Cracking sound the vibrated through the air as Shun completely destroyed Adelfried's barrier which left him open to any damage coming towards him.

Not wasting any moment, both Shun and Ornn then attacked him simultaneously which caused him to take a considerable damage and be blown away from where he stood. At long last they finally manage to get through Adelfried's annoying barrier.

With the barrier down, Adelfried naturally became venerable to any form of attacks, since that was the case, the level of the battle that was going to take place from here on out was expected to be something much more easier than their earlier situation. However the moment Shun and Ornn moved to take down a downed opponent for good, something terrible came up as thick mana begun rampaging all over the place which affected the very weather itself and caused the whole sky to darken like a storm.

Once everyone examined the source of the rampaging mana, they then soon realized that the mana was coming from Adelfried as he let loose his kept mana and completely affected the environment around him. To be exact the rampaging mana came from the very source itself which is the Aquasphere which in turn is fully absorbed by Adelfried's which created the illusion that all the mana that is rampaging was coming from him.

Sensing the mana was quickly rising as if it was threatening the whole area, Shun then realized that his earlier notion that everything would go easy from this moment on was actually false in itself.

At this moment he wasn't even sure if he has the capability to actually defeat Adelfried after sensing the mana. Additionally he now understood why the system gave him a primary mission to absorb the Aquasphere itself, after all with such performance, the reason was already been given through its actions.

Since that was the case, he is now praying that someone or something at least take Adelfried down. With his measly few mana left in his body which is being drained much faster than it is being recovered, he wouldn't have enough mana in itself to actually summon Aurelion sol. With that he has no choice but to give it his all as Yuumi and Ornn were the only remaining champion's he could use in this dire moment

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