Chapter 270: Farewell III

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[Gritonnia Academy]

A few hours later, right after the last class of the day, Shun then headed towards the battle area where the fight is going to happen, while informing both Sephiria and Aria of the situation he is in. The moment both Sephiria and Aria heard his situation, they then laughed a little, before they quickly understood what was happening and worried about Selene during the match.

After all Selene is about to fight against the champion of the six academies competition last year. Additionally putting the fact of Shun's feats and records, he is then a completely different league above Selene, which caused many to worry for the challenger.

But despite all their worry, they still weren't able to stop the fight as both fighters went into their position.

"Selene! are you sure about this?" asked by Shun

"I am sure" answered by Selene

"Eh? But i'm really strong you know"

"I know, that's why i want to fight you before i leave"

Even though Shun tried to dissuade her, Selene is firm on her decision as she pulled out his sword from its scabbard and begun reinforcing its blade with its own mana. Upon seeing that act, Shun then pulled out the water spear he had conjured through the power of the Aquasphere and condensed its form with mana giving it a hard structure of a mana object.

Once both fighter pulled out their weapons of choice, it didn't take them long, as Selene begun to make her move and dashed first towards Shun with a blade over her shoulders. Slashing with all her might, Shun was then forced to block the attack with his own spear and causing him to lose his footing and shot back by a few steps from the force of the attack.

But that didn't end there, once Shun got blown back by a few steps, Selene disappeared from his sight once more, causing Shun to stared wide in shock and force him to spread out his senses, and realized that his opponent was above him. The moment he sensed Selene from above, he then didn't waste any single moment as he rolled forward and evenly dodged the ambush from above while positioning himself for a counter.

Once the ambush failed, Shun then gripped his spear tightly on his hand as he injected his spear with mana and thrusted out a strike attack towards Selene's location.

"Water thrust!!!"

With that a huge explosion rung out, as smoke filled the area and literally lowered the visibility range of everyone within the smoky field. However despite lowering Shun's visibility range, it little did to nothing, as Shun utilized his tremor sense that he had learned from Rek'sai in order to sense people without relying on its eyes.

Using tremor sense, he then sensed an approaching figure coming from behind, as he dodged smoothly in order to avoid the initial strike, as he took a step back and a weave, in order to avoid the following attacks, before blocking the fourth attack and double weave from its follow-up quick double slash. Once that dodges were done, Shun then used living Shadow to move to another location and put a distance between him and Selene herself.

Unfortunately Selene expected such act, as she quickly follows along, and begun to rapidly slash her sword causing ripples in space due to how fast she slashes. Sadly such speed is still lacking in comparison to Akito, as Shun easily dodged the attacks, before cutting through her momentum and blasted her away with a single "water thrust" and followed by multiple "over load" projectiles rushing towards her.

With that multiple explosion erupted as Selene took the full brunt of the attack and came crushing towards the wall of the battle area, alerting the spectating students of the situation.

Overwhelming, Shun was completely overwhelming Selene without any sweat at all. Mind you that Selene is the top student of the Knight academy in the frontier. With that said, due to the condition of the frontier due to its non-ending battle in the borders, every knight positioned in that place are naturally strong due to their experience of fighting non-stop. So Selene being the top of her class or Academy being overwhelmed by Shun, completely showcased just how strong Shun has become through out his ordeal.

In comparison to Shun's past performance in the six academies which served him the championship, his current self now is way more powerful due to him having his system updated and his level restriction being removed the moment he absorbed the Aquasphere.

"He's strong...." Commented by Sephiria

"Yeah! but why isn't he like this when he fought professor Nico?" asked by Aria

"I don't know... maybe professor Nico is a special case?"

"Special case?"

"Yes special case"

Getting back to the fight, Selene slowly stood up from her spot, as he body ache and her lips bleed from her biting her lips too hard when she endured the attack. In fact she knew first hand just how strong Shun was through the records she saw about him, but never did she expect that the same person could grow stronger than before in the span of few months, it was as if Shun himself is a battle genius who grows as he fights more.

"He's strong... i have no doubt about it, but despite that, i still wont give up" thought by Selene as she grips her sword tightly.

In that moment she knew that if she don't go all out, she would lose badly. To be exact she has a card up her sleeve which could turn her situation around, but this trump card that she has can only last for 10 minutes. If she fails to take down Shun within 10 minutes, she powers would then turn into its slumber state and causing her to lose this battle. But despite all of this, she wanted to give it her all without any regrets.

"Brave Heart!!!"

Brave heart, it is the skill solely for Selene alone which is achieved through her own effort. By using such skill, her overall stats would rise exponentially, to the point that she would become inhumane and somewhat seemed like a transcended god due to the host skill alone. "Braveheart" typically refers to a person who exhibits exceptional courage, strength, and resilience in the face of adversity.

In this state, in order to contend against Shun, Selene's brave heart empowered her with a stat in comparison to a hero of the legend. So one can even say that Selene is now on the level of a hero at his very peak performance.

Once the skill was activated the mana in the air thickens, as Shun felt the pressure and all the hairs in his body stood up straight from thew goosebumps he felt from facing Selene's pressure alone. Unbeknownst to him, that was his first time getting exposed to the strength and presence of a hero. 

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