Chapter 210: The Final Draw III

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[Foot of the Mountain]

The two people protecting Captain Kalego weren't the only elite force members that are present in the area, the moment Adelfried successfully retrieved his spear by some type of remote control, another three more elite force members charged towards him in Unison as they brandished their weapon towards him.

One bulky guy was wielding a huge war hammer, one hooded average guy was wielding a long black sword, and the other heavily armored guy was wielding a long halberd. All three said people that belonged t the elite force, all attacked him in three different direction in just a single breath.

Upon noticing his dire situation, Adelfried once more activated his water barrier to protect himself fully from the attacks of his attackers, as he wield his spear to counter back towards his opponents. Each person was dealt with three blows, before they were thrown back due to the force of impact that happened between their weapons.

The moment the three guys were pushed back, Adelfried quickly crouched on the ground as he plans to sprint towards captain Kalego in an attempt to bypass his two protectors and take down one of the back bone of the kingdom itself. But the moment he took his first step in his sprint, all the three guys that were blown back by his counter then reacted to his sudden change of pace, as they intercepted his path with multiple attacks.

In respect to their titles as the elite units of the Kingdom of Avalon, the three guys wielding a sword, hammer, and halberd, then moved in unison in response to Adelfried's sudden change of pace as they prevented him from even escaping their sights. Naturally Adelfried himself was heavily suppressed as he slowly got pushed back from the unison of the three guys' that are attacking him.

Truth be told, each member of the elite force  the 'Aquaforce' are highly recognized by Captain Kalego himself. Whether be it intellect, skills, combat, connections, craftiness, authority, each and every member the force had can be equivalent to be the best among the thousand people. Some of his members are renowned veteran in any battle or war, some are highly regarded adventurer who reached the top, while some are masters who reached the peak of their own class.

No matter what dealing with one elite force members who specialize in combat was already a tough battle to even win it. The only reason why he was able to defeat Merlin's group who are actually composed of some elite force members, is because those said members themselves are already exhausted from fighting, travel, and even climbing the mountain itself while under siege by the cult. In just pure chance of luck coupled by the strength of the Aquasphere, Adelfried somewhat defeated the said group.

This time however was different, instead of fighting a small group, he was currently fighting a whole army by himself. with the cult members being captured and his officials being killed or chased, he was left alone to deal with a tremendous force with nothing in hand aside from the power of the Aquasphere

Upon realizing that he wont be able to get rid of the three guys attacking him no matter what maneuver he makes, he then utilized the Aquasphere once more as he created clones of himself numbering to a couple of dozen in order to take care of his surrounding enemies. In that moment chaos erupted in the battlefield as everyone begun attacking a clone for itself.

While every person in battlefield were confused on which of the clones has Adelfried's true body, the person himself quickly snuck out of that chaos as he produced more clones around him to confuse the enemy while heading towards Captain Kalego in a sprint. As long as he took him down, it will be all over.

Naturally amidst the confusion, captain Kalego quickly caught on Adelfried intent as he begun bombarding the charging clones towards him in attempt to gas him out of the crowd. Even thought its just a wild guess, Captain Kalego seemed quite sure that Adelfried was hiding among the charging clones heading towards him.

In that sense, numerous bombardment erupted in the field, as Captain Kalego used up much of his mana to keep the enemy behind his firing line. However for some unknown reason, more and more clones were created amidst the chaos as it overwhelms his line of sight and begun flooding in towards him.

In that moment when Adelfried was nearing his location while bypassing his two guards, the Head general of the kingdom's army then suddenly intercepted in  between as he unleashed a strong sword wave which eliminated all the clones in front of him.

The moment the head general got rid of all the clones in front of him, Adelfried then suddenly blinked behind captain Kalego as he used his spear and thrusted it towards his target heart. However Captain Kalego react quickly on his sudden appearance as he blasted away with a gun shot towards his spear which actually redirected his thrust by a few centimeter to his left.


Without any words wasted, Captain Kalego pointed his gun towards him and fired multiple shots towards his face in quick succession. As if his body senses reaction in that second changes, Adelfried then bent down instinctively to dodge all of the shots fired towards him, before he stepped back to put a distance between him and Captain Kalego for a few moments.

But the moment he did that, the head General then quickly swoops in and cuts off his escape path as he slashed his sword towards him and pushed him back towards Captain Kalego's firing line.

The moment he stepped in front of Captain Kalego firing line once more, numerous shots were then fired which actually forced Adelfried to take on a heavy defensive from the former's oppressively firing power.

In that moment while he struggled to defend himself, Adelfried noticed a sudden change on his body as his nose started to bleed out of nowhere. Confused by such phenomenon, he recalled receiving no damage from the battle at all except for minor injuries, he also didn't receive any curse or hex that may affect himself.

The only plausible explanation for his condition is somewhat in line with internal injury. if that was the case then it could possibly be that the Aquasphere's power was slowly eating away his body's condition. A human's fragile body is not enough to contain such power that could flip the law of the world, if such a thing was the reason for his body's deterioration, then perhaps he doesn't have long till his body breakdown from the overuse of the Aquasphere.

With that in line, he then plans to push his body's limit to the maximum with an expectation to bring down at least one of the back bone of the kingdom.

Gathering immense power into his body,, Adelfried then focused his power unto his spear as he casted another spell.

"Ars Nova!!!"

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