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"Because I like you!" Wang Zhuocheng confessed, tears rapidly falling down. He couldn't hold them in anymore. He held back all this time, but after saying those four words out, he just couldn't stop crying.

Liu Haikuan stared in shocked, wanting to reach a hand over to wipe those crystal liquid which seemed endless and wrap his arms around him, but he was frozen in place. As if his feet were glued to the floor.

The younger Omega sniffled, using his hands to wipe his own tears away, but more just kept coming, "H-How would you feel... when.. w-when the person you like for so long... turns out to be your cousin..?"

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo's eyes almost fell out of their sockets, clearly flabbergasted at what they heard. The two spared each other a glance before they went back to eavesdropping the conversation. They knew they shouldn't be doing this, but they couldn't go away.

"All this time.. I like you.. even to the point of falling in love with you.. o-only to find out we were blood related after all..." Zhuocheng looked down, trying hard to stop his weeping.

Last week, the two of them went to the airport together and parted their ways when their flights were announced. They went back to their own homes when the Omega's parents told him they would be meeting his mother's side of the family, which he never met before nor heard of, who lived in Changchun, the capital city of Jilin, China. He was looking forward to it only for his heart to get crushed when he saw the familiar Alpha. Turns out, both of their mothers were sisters which meant... they were cousins. Both of them were shocked at the discovery and needless to say, they weren't happy at all. Friends would be happy if they knew their friends were family, but not them. They didn't consider as friends. The two of them liked each other in secret, and upon hearing this news, it broke them a lot. So during the week, the two didn't talk nor even look at each other. Well, Haikuan tried to spark up a conversation with the Omega who just couldn't gather the courage to speak with him. So he ended up avoiding him at any cost.

"I'm not upset with you... I'm upset with myself.. for falling for my own cousin..."

Haikuan's mouth finally opened after what seemed like an eternity, "It's not your fault.. you didn't know.."

"Did you know?" The other looked up at him, the Alpha's heart breaking at those tears. His eyes held so much sadness and it pained him.

Haikuan shook his head, "I didn't. If I did, I wouldn't have fallen for you..."

Zhuocheng's grip on his bag tightened, body trembling. He suddenly started laughing through those tears.

"A-Cheng..." Haikuan was hella confused on why he could laugh at a situation like this. He reached out and held onto the younger's biceps, "Why are you-"

"Guess we both were stupid.."


Zhuocheng cut him off and yanked the older's hands off, head still down, "I need some alone time. So just let me be and don't follow me. I need to figure how to make these feelings disappear. I can't be in love with someone who has the same bloodline as me. I'm sorry, Senior Liu."

Haikuan's eyes widened, his heart just broke again.  The younger didn't address him as Liu Gege or Kuan Gege.

"Sweetheart, you-"

"Don't call me that. I'm not your sweetheart." Zhuocheng coldly stated, heels turning to the side, "And since I'm getting rid of my feelings for you, you should do the same. It's not good for your mental heath." With that, he left, leaving a heartbroken Haikuan whose eyes followed the younger's figure who soon vanished from his sight.

He put on hand in his pocket and the other pinched the area between his eyebrows, trying to hold his tears in. He promised himself he would confess to the younger and made the younger his when he got back from his hometown. Now what? He couldn't do any of that.

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