Keigo's Sister Part 1

Start from the beginning

    And that was the understatement of the century, knowing Hikari did indeed look like shit. In fact, it was very clear that she hadn't bathed in the last couple of days as dirt stuck into her blonde hair and her clothes were still caked with dried blood from the attack. Not really the picture of beauty.

    Sorry was that rude? Well, get over it.

    It's not like he cared about that kinda shit anyway. Nah, the last thing on his mind was Hikari's personal hygiene. He had much more important plans than that.

    It seemed like Hikari did though, taking one of her shaking fingers before touching the caked on blood in order to turn away with clear embarrassment. W-Why are you here..?"

    The question was so enormous, so huge that Touya felt his eyes close at the weight of them. He had a very clear reason to be here, but it wasn't as innocent as Hikari believed. If only she knew what kind of game she had entered unknowingly.

    But of course that's not what the boy replied with. Nah, instead the white haired kid simply plopped himself down next to the sacred bird before blurting out some bullshit about his home life in order to make himself seem "vulnerable" and "troubled" so that she'd drop her guard.

    Although it seemed like it worked too well as Touya did end up slipping up about how much information he actually knew by mentioning Hikari's shitty family. Call it a moment of weakness but the boy was quick to get back on track without her figuring out something was wrong.
    Then when he had enough, the boy simply stood on his feet in order to walk away. A little at a time was the key after all. He couldn't just earn her trust in one night. He had to leave with the idea in her head that she wanted him to come back. Manipulation at its finest.

Just another lesson from the commission he carried with him.

Although just as he was about to leave, the boy heard Hikari call back to him, small and scared, almost like she was terrified to see him go. "I'm sorry..."

If she had said "wait" or "stop" then Touya knew he would've kept going but as soon as those two strange words escaped her lips, the boy felt his feet immediately pause. What the hell was she apologizing for? He was the one using her.

Turning his brow in amusement, the boy let curiosity get the best of him. For some reason, he wanted to know exactly what she was trying to say. "What?"

She was silent for a moment as Touya debated giving up and just walking away. Whatever she was going to mutter wasn't going to be important, he already knew. It's also not like he cared all that much. It was just curiosity that made him pause.

But that's when Hikari spoke again, this time with such pure honesty and heart that it caused even the bitter and revenge-ridden Touya to malfunction. "I'm sorry, about your family. If it means anything, I liked talking to you..."

Acknowledgment, validation of his feelings. It was something the boy hadn't heard in years. It was the very drug he craved while living with his father and hearing it now, it brought something unexpected to Touya.

He had told her some bullshit sad story in order to make her feel bad and yet it seemed like she had known exactly what he was feeling and what he needed all at the same time. Or perhaps it was a shot in the dark on her part, but it still hit even so.

That's when a very unpleasant emotion pooled at the bottom of his stomach, causing the boy to soften his eyes ever so slightly. Keigo was right, this girl really was just purely good. Here she was broken and homeless with no family and yet she was still offering a stranger resurrance.

And he was going to break her, destroy her good until there was nothing left. That was the plan, and although Touya wasn't going to stop it, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming and crushing shame that came with it.

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