Chapter 41

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Molly POV:
Due to Jack making a scene, the less drunk boys are now awake and at the top of the stairs, they just saw me fall. Jordan pushes past Jack on the stairs to come to me, I'm frozen in shock. I see Harry K, Kyle and Luke walking Jack to a spare room, Lottie starts crying and I go to move but I hear Harry K shout down that he'll go and sort her out for me.
"Molly are you okay?" Hendo says panicking, "I think so. I hurt a bit but I think I can get up" he helps me stand up, I wince with the pain, he takes me to the sofa so we can look at my injury's properly. Harry is in the front room with us now, he sees my head bleeding and I say my ribs hurt. "Mols you need to go to the hospital" I shake my head "I can't, I have Lottie and Jacks clearly beyond paralytic" Harry sits next to me. "Jordan can take you as he hasn't had anything alcoholic and I only had one beer. Jacks in my room so if your okay for me to be in your room I'll have this little one, but please go get checked out. And did you want me to let Dec or Mase know?" I shake my head "they're all too drunk right now, you can sleep in our room but are you sure your okay with having Lots. Hopefully I'll be back by morning, hopefully before they all wake up" He tells me it's absolutely fine and I trust him as he does have kids of his own, I tell him where Lots bottles are, then me and Jordan head to the hospital.

4 hours later, I'm home, my cuts been glued and covered and I've fractured a rib, I've got to take it easy for a while but I'm okay. It's now 5am. "Jords thank you for everything, I'm going to go to Decs for a little while. I'm gonna go wake him for his key" he nods and walks with me.
Walking into Decs room, I shake him quietly he wakes up and looks at me then his eyes focus and he sees the bruises on my face "Molly what the fuck happened" I pull his arm "come to the hall and I'll tell you. I don't need all these to wake up" pointing towards Mason, Ben and James who are all sleeping around the room.
He walks out to the hall where Jordan is waiting and he can see more clearly with the light on "Dec can I stay at yours with Lottie for a while please, Jack was beyond drunk last night and flipped out on me on the stairs when taking you all to bed and I ended up falling down the stairs, Jords took me to hospital and I'm okay but Jack said some really horrible things to me and I can't be near him right now" he hugs me gently. "You ain't going alone, let's get Lottie and I'll come with you. Jordan are you alright to deal with Jack in the morning, especially as Mase will go mental at him" Dec says and him and Jordan talk.
While getting Lottie I explain to Harry who understands and says he'll help Jordan with Jack in the morning. Dec, Lottie and I head to his house.
Jordan POV
It's now 10am and me, Harry, Kyle and Luke are in the front room talking about last night, I've updated Kyle and Luke where Molly is. Soon the last 2 lads come through the door and it's Jack and Mason, they both look around before Jack says "Where's Molly and Lottie? I woke up in one of the spare rooms" and then Mason adds "Where's Dec?" I take a deep breath and Harry stands next to me as I have to now tell them. "Right boys, before you starts shouting or having a go at me. How much do you guys remember from last night?" Mason remembers getting to bed obviously before it all kicked off and Jack says he only remembers up to about 11 when they started shots and drinking games. "Right so this is going to be a shock but please let me finish... Last night, there was an incident, Molly and Lottie are at Decs with him right now. Jack last night you got really badly drunk like worse than we've ever seen and started shouting stuff on the stairs at Molly. She tried calming you down and getting you to bed but you wouldn't let her near you and shouted at her some horrible comments, then you flipped out as she touched you and she ended up falling down the stairs" I see Jacks face fall as his heart breaks and Mason yells and launches forward at him "YOU FUCKING PUSHED MOLLY DOWN THE STAIRS" Kyle and Luke grab Mason as me and Harry hold Jack. "As I was saying, she is fine, I took her to the hospital she got her head glued and she's fractured a rib. Jack, when we got back she woke Dec up and asked to go to his for a while. I think she was shaken up and really hurt by what you had said. I'm sorry, there was no way for us to wake you as you were out of it" he drops to the floor and starts crying. Mason has now softened and sits next to him. The other lads all asking if she's okay and they start tidying up. I sit and hold Jack as he sobs into me, "I'm gonna go round this morning see how she is, I will ask if she wants to see you. Okay?" I say to Jack and he nods defeatedly, I leave Jack in Harry's arms.

A quick fall -A Jack Grealish FanficWhere stories live. Discover now