Chapter 13

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Molly POV
I'm heading to the water park today and I'm leaving before Jack. I hear a knock at the door and shout "come in" knowing it'll probably be Dec. In walk Mason and Declan, "you ready to go Mols" Dec asks me. I stand up from Jacks lap where I was previously sitting cuddling him. "See you later baby. I love you" I say to Jack giving him kisses. "Have fun baby girl I love you more" he gives me lots of kisses back and cuddling me tight, then I feel Decl pulling at my arm "that's enough of that I'm stealing her for the day not forever. I'll bring her back to you Grealish it's okay" he says laughing.
We get to the coach and it's just the lads and me who are on it. As I walk onto the coach I hear cheers. "Jack let you go then Mols" Ben shouts out. I laugh and say "if Dec didn't pull me away I'm not sure he'd actually have let go" we head to the water park all excited for our day.
We've arrive back at the hotel, I'm not sure if Jacks back yet but I need to have a shower and get ready for dinner anyway.
I walk in the door and see a note stuck on the mirror it reads 'Babygirl, I hope you had a great time at the water park with the lads I'm already back but I popped out with Mason quickly, I'm already dressed for dinner. I've got a surprise for you so I'll meet you at dinner later. Declan will walk to the restaurant with you. Can't wait to see you. I love you, from J xxx'
I smile at the note and send a text to Dec.
I've just seen a note saying your taking me to meet them at dinner. The doors unlocked so come in when your ready. X
I have about 2 hours to get sorted, I look over on the bed and see a bag with another note. 'Picked this dress today, please wear this tonight you'll look breathtaking in it babygirl xx'
Declan walks in just as I'm putting my earrings in. "Wow Mols you look amazing" he says to me. I smile, thanking him then I get him to take pictures for instagram as this outfit is beautiful.

Molly1:My outfit for tonight chosen by @jackgrealish

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Molly1:My outfit for tonight chosen by @jackgrealish. Your ladies fashion choices are amazing babe.
Jackgrealish: you look stunning, absolutely gorgeous. See you very soon babygirl. I love you xx
Masonmount: oi Jack, don't take all the credit I helped choose it too. You look amazing Mols. 💖
Declanrice: Now I've taken a good enough photo can we go meet the others at the restaurant please I'm hungry.. But you do look beautiful.💜
BenChilwell: Stunning lady.🥰
EnglandFC: Jack is a lucky man. GS x
(Replying to England) Jack: I am a very lucky man indeed. 😍🥰
LukeShaw: Beautiful.🥰
RJames: Dress looks great on you.
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Jack POV
A few hours earlier...
I've picked the ring and the outfit. I'm now really scared, we've got to head back so I can get ready before she's back so I can sort the rest of it out. I really miss her, today has felt so lonely but I know she's having fun with the other boys.
We get back to the hotel room and I'm all dressed, then emotion over takes me and I start crying just as Mason walks in. He instantly hugs me and holds me. "She loves you so much mate, stop worrying she's going to say yes I just know it" he reassures me. It helps a lot, I sort myself out and we head out to get the beach ready it's blocked off to public for tonight, luckily enough there's not many people other than us here, we've told Declan to get Molly to dinner at 6pm so we can eat like normal then the boys will go off in front to light the candles and get it ready for us.
-Back to present-
I'm now sitting in the restaurant I'm so nervous but I can't let Molly see as she'll work out somethings up. She walks in the door in the white dress I picked and she's gorgeous it literally takes my breath away, I run up to her and lift her up in a cuddle. "I've missed you so much baby" I say to her and she hugs me tighter telling me she's missed me too. We eat dinner keeping conversation flowing but as the lads know what's coming, we're all a bit tense.
"We're going to walk on the beach before drinks tonight babe" I say to Molly. It's time for the boys to go ahead so I turn Molly around and kiss her. "Babygirl you look stunning, today felt weird not having you next to me. Never leave me that long again" I say keeping her eyes on me not on the boys running off. We stand like that for about 5 minutes then she turns around and says "oh the boys must already be at the beach, shall we go too" as we walk hand in hand. I tell her to put a blindfold on so she can't see, I guide her to the middle of a candle heart made by the lads.
Molly POV
Jacks put a blindfold on me. I can't work out what's going on, it's complete silence I can't hear the boys or Jack I can just hear my breathing. "Stand still here baby and remove the blindfold." As I take the blind fold off I can't believe what I'm seeing. Jack is down on one knee, we're standing in the middle of a candle heart. He says "Molly, from the first time I met you in that bar, when I offered to buy you a drink I had a feeling about you, at the time I didn't know what it was but soon I realised it was love and everyday since it's just got stronger and stronger. You have made me a better man, you are amazing, kind, caring and one of the strongest people I know. I've struck so lucky to have you in my life. And now I can't imagine my life without you like ever. So please Molly, my babygirl, will you marry me?" He's got tears running down his cheek and I've got tears streaming down my face too. That speech was beautiful. "Yes babe, of course I'll marry you" I say nodding, he places the ring on my finger and picks me up and spins me around giving me the biggest kiss ever, we then hear cheers and see the whole of the England team running toward us shouting congratulations.
Dec runs up to me giving me a kiss on the cheek and a big hug spinning me around "congratulations little sis" and it's funny as Mason comes up and does the exact same. They're so similar it's hilarious.
After all the congratulations, hugs and handshakes. We decide to go celebrate in the bar. Before heading back to the room to celebrate privately.

A quick fall -A Jack Grealish FanficWhere stories live. Discover now