Chapter 19

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Molly POV
It's coming up to the 80th minute, the boys are at 2-2, they've done amazingly Mason assisted with Harry K scoring the first game and Dec assisted Sterling scoring the second, Jacks played amazingly. I'm so proud to be sitting here watching them play for their country. I've got amazing photos of the goals and the celebrations.
Then my world stops I see Jack go down, one of the Sweden players have just took him out, I see him get up, I breathe a sigh of relief but then I see him get angry, as he's got up the player has said something to wind him up and push him. Mase, Dec and the other lads run over as Jack gets angrier, he needs to calm down as he's going to get in trouble. Then I see Mase and Dec arguing back to the Sweden player, then they pull Jack away. The ref gives one warning before he's carding them. Jack looks over to where I'm standing so I mouth 'Calm down baby, I love you' I'm not sure if he can even see what I'm saying to him but he winks and smiles so I presume he did.
"Whatever you've just said to him, has calmed him down" I hear Gareth say to me. I look up at him and say "I'd like to know what made them all angry first of all." He sighs "I'll be honest it could possibly be personal, I remember when I've played Sweden before, as a tactic to wind players up they say personal things to them. Especially as it's premier league players, they're more aware of the players lives. I'd place bets they may have mentioned you as Mount and Rice got angry too" he looks down at the ground as he says it.
I can see the players getting wound up, I keep getting looked at by both teams. "I think I'll stand back out of view for the remaining game. I don't want to be the cause of any trouble" I say picking my bag up then I hear "go on boys" being shouted by Gareth I look up to see Dec pass the ball to Mason, then Mason to Jack and Jack kicks it in the back of the net. The stadium erupts in cheers. Jack makes a heart with his hands and point to me, blowing a kiss. I grinned while cheering, I got photos of it all, the celebration photos look amazing the boys together as a team, the happiness on their faces is amazing. They play the last few minutes of overtime that's been added then the final whistle blows, meaning England win 3-2, I scream and cheer with the stadium and the other staff members. Gareth does his handshakes with the other team and staff, then gives me a hug before getting ready to go on to the pitch. "Bring your camera, anyone says anything your the team photographer and we want pictures of the celebration" he says as he removed his jacket. "You sure?" I say to him and he simply looks and says "let's go congratulate your boys." Without asking twice I follow him onto the pitch, actually taking photos as it's surreal the whole scene unfolding. The boys see me and run towards me.
Jack POV
We're all celebrating congratulating the lads and shaking hands with the swedish players eventhough some of them have been right assholes throughout the match. We're hugging and clapping in front of the fans when I hear Luke say "Mollys coming!" I look around and see her walking behind Gareth, obviously I know I have to see Gareth first but as he approaches us we all hug around him and he says "well done boys, great game. Thought I'd bring Molly with me. Grealish... hugs only please, on the pitch in front of cameras she's the photographer and as a member of staff, she had come to give you all congratulation hugs." He laughs as I run to Molly giving her a cuddle, Mase, Dec, Harry K,Luke, Mads and Phil come and form a group cuddle around us, "go on lad give her a quick kiss, they won't see through us" Mase says. So I peck her on the lips. "Congratulations baby, I love you" she whispers then the boys all give her separate hug. Her congratulating each of them. "Come on boys, if I'm on the field as a photographer then I better take photos." She's says as we have one big group photo, then share takes one of just Declan, Mason and I. "The winning goal trio, I better go. Love yous" she says walking back off the pitch. I'm so lucky to have her here with me. Back on the coach, I get in first but when everyone else gets on no-one sits next to me, I start to get offended until I see Molly get on the bus. We all cheer and then we head back to the training ground so we can all go home. "Jack we don't have our cars, we're coming with you" Mason leans over the seat and says. It's now about 7:30pm and we've decided we're gonna order Nando's to save Molly cooking for us. She fell asleep quite soon into the journey, the guys are coming to ours to celebrate as we've got day off tomorrow.
The coach stops and I say to Dec "is there anyone out there?" He looks and says no he remembers the staff saying they closed the entrance off so no-one was here when we got back. "Can you lads take our bags I'm gonna carry her to the car, she's probably too tired to walk" the boys agree and I sweep Molly up in my arms she looks at me then snuggles close, I think she's missed me today I know I've definitely missed her lots.

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