Chapter 23

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Molly POV
4 days later it's the semi final, the country have been behind the boys so much, they've all been working so hard training in the 4 days between the match, I've barely seen Jack at all, this week I've been feeling a bit poorly but I think it's just a mixture of exhaustion and a cold, it's mainly I'm just a bit achy, I haven't told Jack as he's got enough stress.
I managed to see them all and wish them luck before the game.
The second half had just got underway, the game is at 50th minute, I've just come over feeling really dizzy with belly pains. I walk to the seats and sit down. Gareth asks what's wrong, when I explain he tells me he'll get Jack off the pitch. "No please don't tell him, he's worked so hard they all have. I'll get an Uber and get checked out and I'll speak to them after the game." Gareth then suggests telling Dec as he's not playing yet, but I know he's about to be put on and play, I tell him I'll be okay and I don't want any of them knowing until after.
Gareth agrees but makes another staff member take me, I make him promise me that no-one will tell any of the team until the game is finished and if they win let them celebrate.
Jack POV
The final whistle blows and Wembley roars around us, we just won the semi-finals of the Euros. We are all thrilled, I look but can't see Molly, I presume she's in the toilet or getting some other photos. I go and celebrate in front of the supporters with the lads.
It's now been about 20minutes and no sign of Molly so I go and find Gareth, "Boss, where's Molly?" He looks at me and looks at the floor "Grealish, I'm sorry she made me make sure I didn't tell you until after the game and if you won I had to let you celebrate. She's gone to the hospital, she came over dizzy and in pain so went to get checked out. I'm so sorry, I wanted to sub you and tell you but she made me swear. She said it was your moment and you deserved to enjoy it" he pats me on the shoulder as he walks towards the other lads.
I fall to my knees, I hear him tell Mase and Dec to come over but I think they were already running over followed by the rest of the team. "Jack what's happened? What's wrong?" The boys ask. I look at them "Molly got unwell, she's gone to the hospital, she left at the 50th minute. She made boss promise not to tell any of us until the game finished and she told them that if we win to let us celebrate our win" I cried as the words came out my mouth as I was in Mase and Decs arms, "let's go to her" Dec says and Gareth shouts for us 3 to go, as the three of us run off the pitch to get changed, we jump in Masons car as I call Molly.
M-Hi Jack, I saw you boys won well done.
J- No Molly, no small talk. Are you okay? Is baby okay? And why the fuck did you go to the hospital without telling me? I can feel myself getting angry and even though it's more at the situation, than her as I know she wanted me to play and have my moment, but I'm also angry at myself for not noticing she was unwell.
M-J, don't be angry. It was big moment, you deserved to have it. Im okay they're just running some tests.
J- It's not only me thats upset, I've got Dec and Mase with me in this car and they're not exactly pleased with you. Especially Dec as he was on the bench at the time you became unwell.
M- yeah he was but I knew he was due to go on and he went on and scored an amazing goal.
D+M: thats no reason mrs.
M- fine... are you guys I'm coming here? I feel like I could hear her eyes roll when she said fine, knowing she should've told us she didn't feel well.
J-Yes baby, we're on our way now. We'll see you soon I love you
M-I love you too

We arrive at the hospital and run through to Molly and the doctors just left, Molly starts explaining what they've said "guys I'm fine, it's just a kidney infection and a cold guys, I'm gonna be given antibiotics and I'll be fine. I'm so proud of you all for winning. Next stop the final" she cheers and I give her a big kiss and cuddle. "I wish you would've told me though" I say and she just smiles sweetly at me. The boys come over and give her cuddles, Declan moans at her as he wasn't on the pitch at that time but she done her usual which is smile and get around us. We all go home, the boys go get some rest and Molly and I head to bed and cuddle talking about baby names, by 9pm she's asleep in my arms so I cuddle down and sleep with her ready for training for the final.

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