Chapter 31

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Mason POV:
Molly is laying next to me, and I feel her breathing even put and know she's fell asleep, luckily in a private ward the beds are bigger so I was able to give her a cuddle as she was so shaken up, so am I to be honest but it makes me rest easier now I know she's okay, I've only got a few cuts and bruises, a few weeks and I'll be back to normal but the mental damage of this will stick with Molly for a while, she's scared as she was targeted by people who once upon a time said they loved her. No wonder she was so guarded.
I see the door open and a nurse walks in "Mr Mount, you shouldn't have done that" she says pointing at Molly. "Sorry nurse, but she's my sister and she's been through a lot. You heard the detective earlier, she was the targeted one. Please let her sleep, I'm comfy and not in pain, there's plenty of room." I look pleadingly at her and her face softens, "the poor girl did look terribly upset earlier she looked broken. I felt sorry for her" I nod in agreeance and thank her for letting her stay. She does my observations and says that everything is looking better.
About 30 minutes later, I hear the lads come up the hallway, the door opens and as soon as they walk in I tell them to be quiet pointing to Molly asleep. "That's exactly what she needed" Jack says to me, and I know he doesn't mean sleep, he means the reassurance from me but she did need the sleep too, he comes sits next to the bed. I nod to him and say "it's not my place to say too much but you need to get her to talk to you. She knows how upset you was about this all so has kept some bits to herself to protect you" he nods knowingly and replies quietly "I knew it wasn't the full truth she told me when she came out from the doctor" I hold his hand to reassure him "it's not really bad mate trust me. She's just not okay though."
The boys all look at me as Dec takes a picture of Molly cuddled up sleeping with me, I make him send it to me. "She really needs all of us lads, think about it... Mase did get physically hurt but within a few weeks his cuts will be healed and bruises gone. Poor Molly knows that car was meant for her. Someone deliberately set out to hurt her and bubba" whilst Dec is talking I see Jack look down and tears roll down his cheek, I hold his hand a squeeze it tight showing him I'm here. I realise I'm so lucky to have so many good people around me. I carry on listening to Dec "She blames herself, even though none of us do. We need to keep an eye on her" Dec finishes as he sits down the side Molly is laying. He moves some hair out of her face.
All the boys agree with him and talk about how they don't blame her and she shouldn't blame herself, I add in "she's getting a lot of hate online. Have you all read it? It's absolutely awful" I see all the boys get their phones out as Jack gets up and walks out. "Dec he needs you right now. He's not okay" I say to Dec and he nods getting up and following Jack. I decide to make a post on instagram making sure they all know to not blame Molly.

Masonmount: Hi everyone, as you know I was in an accident

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Masonmount: Hi everyone, as you know I was in an accident. I am fine except a few cuts and bruises. No major damage, I am grateful for all the concern from people. But I am not grateful for everyone blaming Molly. In due course the details will be released and the story will be explained but for now I am posting to make it clear it isn't Mollys fault, it never was and never will be.
I ask that all the hate towards my sister stops, she was hurt during the accident too, but she is carrying a baby, unlike me.
Luckily both are okay but this picture is the result of everything that's happened with all the hate added into it, your words hurt sometimes a lot more than a physical injury.
I love you Mols.💖

Declanrice: lovely post brother❤️ We've got an amazing little sister there. She don't deserve this🥺
Jackgrealish: thank you bro💙 so glad you're okay. I'll always be grateful to you. I'm glad both you and Molly are okay 🥰
User: The fact she ain't even his sister. Like seriously, he got hurt saving her ass.
(Relying to User)Mason: She IS my sister, she may not be blood but that doesn't make her any less family to me. And I've said it once and I'll say it again IT WASN'T HER FAULT! And I'd do it again, if it means saving her. We all would.
(All the boys liked this comment)
BenChilwell: Lovely pic bro🥰 Glad your both okay ❤️
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Jack POV:
I couldn't be in there. I know I should've been but I cant, seeing her in that state, knowing how broken they've made her again. I promised no one would ever hurt her and I nearly lost both my girls along with Mason too. My breathing is rapid and tears are coming out. I hear a voice behind me, I can't work out who it is as my mind is blurry. I stop and fall down, my back sliding against the wall, then I feel arms around me. It then registers to me it's Dec. "Jack breathe for me, take a deep breathe and try and calm down. I'm here now, let all your tears out" I hear him reassure me and I do exactly what he says, I hold him tight and sob in his arms.
After a few minutes of crying, I calm down and he looks at me "talk to me bro. I'm here" I take a deep breath then begin. "I promised her they'd never hurt her again, I promised to keep her safe now she's broken and scared, she won't talk to me, I nearly lost my 2 girls plus mase all at one time. It should've been me that got hurt, I should've been there to protect her but Mase got hurt" Dec looks at me shocked, he squeezes my hand reassuringly "J, Mate we know if you'd seen the car first you would've been there, that's not your fault. Them assholes hurting her again, is not your fault, you helped rebuild that girl to be the amazing, confident girl she is now after they broke her. She's beaten them once and she'll do it again, she has all of us around her. And you did nearly lose them but they are all there in that room. She will talk to you bro, she just needs time. Now mase is okay I'm sure she'll be honest, now you've been here nearly 24 hours. Go in there and take your girl home. I think they're discharging Mase tomorrow so I'll stay tonight if I'm allowed, then you can pick us up tomorrow yeah?" I nod knowing he's right about getting Molly home. "Yeah mate, Madders went and collected Mase's car earlier so it's in his driveway, I'll bring my car tomorrow."

A quick fall -A Jack Grealish FanficWhere stories live. Discover now