Chapter 15

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5 weeks later.
Jack POV
5 weeks since the proposal, the rest of the holiday was amazing, we landed back in UK about 4 weeks ago and we started training for the euros about 4 weeks ago, training now is full on and everyday Monday to Friday, unless we have a weekend game. But the games don't start until next week.
Molly loves the job and also gets to see us train and be involved. She sometimes finishes before we do, some days she'll stay and watch, other days she'll go home and sort the house out. She's absolutely amazing, she's been so supportive as the euros are so important to us, we've been doing really long days so haven't been seeing each other as much as we'd like to, but she understands.
It's Wednesday evening and I've got to be at training at 7 tomorrow but Molly doesn't start until 10. "You coming in with me tomorrow babe?" I ask her as we're getting ready for bed, she snaps back about not starting til 10 so she's not going to, I'm not sure what's the matter I try asking and talking to her but she gets more angry and I don't want to argue so I tell her I love her like I do every night and roll over to sleep. She's been off with me most of the week, but I know when she's ready to talk to me she will.

Molly POV
I shouldn't have snapped at him, I'm just so confused and scared right now, i'm late for my period and I think I may be pregnant, im not close enough to any girls to talk to about it, I don't know how Jacks going to react as we've never spoken about it, he talks about how his career in football is going so well, also if he does want children, I don't want I get his hopes up and I'm wrong. Im gonna get a test tomorrow and take it before work as Jacks going in early, i feel terrified and alone right now, I should've gone to Dec or Mase but I'm too scared.
I wake up to Jack giving me a kiss goodbye and telling me he loves me, I tell him I'll see him later.

An hour and half later, I head to the shop on my way to work and order an Uber from the shop. I feel really rough this morning, I haven't eaten or drink much this morning, mostly because I feel sick and mixed with stress doesn't end well.
I arrive at work, I head to the pitch and only see some of the lads, one of the coaches tell me Jacks in the gym and got a personal trainer session until 12. I presume Mase and Dec will be with him as they're always together. I start taking pictures and videos at a distance of the training game they're playing on the field, the fans love seeing them train especially when they're playing competitive games against each other.

3hours later I come over feeling really dizzy and lightheaded so I sit down, as I feel myself losing my balance. It's lucky all of the lads are busy focussing on the game, well that's what I thought anyway. I didn't actually notice Declan was one of the lads training on the field until I saw him running over to me. "Mols, are you okay?" He asks as I run past him to the closest toilet to be sick, he stands outside the door telling me he's there if I need him.
Once I'm finished I unlock the door and he rushes in with a bottle of water. Im sitting on the floor crying, when he throws his arms around me and pulls me into one of his amazing hugs, "Mols tell me what's wrong? Do you want Jack?" I shake my head "not yet please I don't know what to say to him" I say as he looks at me confused, I grab the pregnancy test out of my bag and show him. "I got told by a doctor the chances of pregnancy are pretty much zero for me. I don't want to tell Jack and it be negative. I don't want to take the test and it be negative and my heart break the same way it did when the doctor told me the news. What if it's positive and Jacks goes mad? What if it's negative and Jack leaves because I can't give him kids?" I start rambling quickly. Declan pulls me into a hug and says "is this why you've been off with Jack recently? He's been telling me and Mase he's worried about you" I nod my head feeling bad "I didn't have anyone to talk to about it. I was scared" I say crying again. "Don't ever say that, no matter what it is you've got me, you've got Mase as well, If you feel you can't talk to Jack then come to us. Jack is our bestfriend but you're our little sister. I live next door to you, message me or just come round. You know this" he says to me stroking my hair as we're just sitting in the bathroom floor. "Now piss on that stick, then we're going to get Jack from the gym and he's going to take you home."

As he walks outside for me to do the test I hear Gareth ask what's happening, he tells him that I've come over unwell, I'm just using the toilet then we're going to get Jack, Gareth agrees about Jack taking me home but I shout out and tell them both I'm okay to keep taking pictures, I'll take regular breaks, Gareth says if that's the case I have to tell Jack and Jack has to go outside so he's there if I need him. I let Declan in and I turn over the digital test and I can't believe it 'Pregnant 3+' Declan just hugs me, "let's go get Jack", I nod but then just cry. "We need to get Mason too" I say between my cries.

A quick fall -A Jack Grealish FanficWhere stories live. Discover now