Chapter 39

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*Time skip-2 months-May*
Molly POV:
It's my wedding day. Lottie is now 2 months old and we love her to bits.
Today is the final piece of the puzzle, the day I become a Grealish. I'm so excited and we've been waiting for this day for a long time.
I'm in my hotel room getting ready, I have a lovely girl doing my hair and make-up, I get in my dress and prepare myself that it's nearly time.
I hear a knock on the door. "Come in" I call and as I turn around I see Dec walking towards me with his mouth open in shock, "Mols you look beautiful. You ready?" I smile back at him "you look great Dec, I'm all ready how's Jack this morning?" He laughs, "he's a mess, he's worrying and panicking. He'll be absolutely fine once he sees you walking down that isle. Where's Lots?" I point over to her pram and I say "just need to put her dress on then we can go" he walks over to her picking the dress up "it's okay Uncle Dec can do it" I laugh and let him change her and dress her.
Me and Jack decided on a little wedding, Mason is his best man and Dec is my person, he's being the male version of maid of honour. We have the England boys attending, and the ones which have girlfriends have brought them. I'm getting closer to some of the girls but I still get worried meeting new people and letting them in. I still have one question for Decs.
Just as we go to leave the hotel room, I stop and Dec looks at me worried. "Dec I have a question for you. I understand if you say no but will you walk me down the isle?" I look up and he grins "I'd be honoured Mols. You know I'm a very proud brother right now. I love you" I hug him tight. "Love you too big bro." We walk down to the room and wait outside, we take Lottie out of her pram and Ben takes the pram inside after complimenting me. We get the thumbs up and we walk in. Decs got Lottie in his left arm and I've linked his right arm and we walk up the isle toward me Jack who's got the biggest smile on his face.

Jack POV:
Mason and I are standing at the end of this isle and I'm so nervous. Mason pats me on the shoulder and says "she's outside, your getting married brother, I'm so happy and proud of you" I smile at him then I hear the music start and I turn around, my eyes fill with tears, and I have the biggest smile on my face. She's walking up the isle with Dec, who's carrying Lottie in her beautiful dress. The closer they get the bigger mine and Mollys smiles get. As they get to the isle, Dec hugs me then gives Mols a kiss on the cheek, he then stands at Mollys side. Ben takes Lottie from him and places her in her pram which Ben has got. He was lovely and said he'd look after her during the ceremony.

We get to the vowels and we decided to write our own. It's Mollys turn first, "J, I promise to love you always. I promise to support you no matter what, and always have a cuddle waiting when you need it. You've been amazing to me J and I promise to make sure that I'm there for you like you are me. I promise to love you through thick and thin, sickness and in health, for richer and poorer. I'll always be faithful to you and be by your side. You mean the world to me and I can't imagine ever being without you." Her words have made me cry, she is amazing and I'm so lucky to have her.
It's now my turn, "Molly, I think part of me loved you from when I first met you in that club, as soon as I left you that night I couldn't stop thinking about you. Ever since that day my feelings have just got stronger, you are amazing and the strongest person I know. I promise to care for you, protect you and love you always. I promise to be by your side no matter what, I can't imagine my life without you in it and I will fight until my dying breath to make sure I don't have to live a life without you. Since meeting you, I've become a better person, I promise to stay better, I promise to be the best husband I can possibly be. I promise I will always stay faithful, love you in sickness and health, richer and for poorer, me and you forever and always Babygirl" I look up at her and she's crying too, the officiant let's us exchange rings and declares us husband and wife. I kiss her and squeeze her tight in a hug, "I love you Mrs Grealish" she smiles and giggles "I love you too Mr Grealish." We walk back down the isle hand in hand, all the lads cheering, we head outside for photos.
The rest of the day feel like it speeds past but it's an amazing day. We've captured so many memories, I'm so excited for our future together with Lottie.


Jackgrealish: Officially Mr and Mrs Grealish 🎉❤️❤️ Alongside the birth of my daughter, this is the best day of my life

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Jackgrealish: Officially Mr and Mrs Grealish 🎉❤️❤️ Alongside the birth of my daughter, this is the best day of my life.
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Molly1: Mr and Mrs Grealish ❤️ I love you so much J, so happy to be your wife

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Molly1: Mr and Mrs Grealish ❤️ I love you so much J, so happy to be your wife. 🎉❤️
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