Chapter 16

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Jack POV
I'm in the gym, I've done my PT session so now it's just inside workouts and training for the rest of my day. Me and Mase are finishing a workout together when the gym door opens, in walks Molly and Declan. Molly doesn't look well, me and Mason look at each other and rush over to them. "Baby what's wrong are you ill?" I say giving her a kiss on the cheek, she smiles. "I've been sick but it's okay, Declan was right outside the whole time with a bottle of water and he comforted me after, But I wanted to stay at work, so Gareth's said you have to do the outside training today in case I need you and on our way up here he said Mason can come too." I hug her tighter and she goes to speak again but looks at Declan before and he nods his head, it's like she's gaining comfort or something I'm so confused.

"Babe there's something else I need to tell you... actually I'll show you. Close your eyes and hold out your hand" I do as she says and all of a sudden I hear Mason gasp which worries me. She tells me to open and as I do I look down to my hand and I can't believe it. It says pregnant, I'm going to be a dad. "I'm going to be a dad" I shout out luckily the others have gone on their breaks. I lift Molly up in a hug and spin her around. "Obviously we'll have to go for checks as the chances of this happening is low, but according the leaflet that came with the test when it says 3+ it actually means I'm about 5 weeks" she smiles with a hand on her belly knowing that there's actually our baby in there. Mason hugs her and congratulates me. "We're definitely celebrating tonight" I say to Molly and the boys. They all agree, Mollys looking something up on her phone and says "I can get a scan today to check everything's okay, then you can tell the others if you want, but I don't want it public knowledge yet." She says and I grin at her and say "let's go find Gareth and see if he'll let me go now we're due to finish in 3 hours anyway." Mason and Declan head back to training saying to text them when we know everything's okay and they can arrange the other lads coming to our house. Walking through the training ground we finally find Gareth, "Boss, Can I leave early today, we've just found out Mollys pregnant and they can give us a scan today to check everything's okay" I say to him, and he smiles and says "Of course you can Grealish" he laughs as he knows he only calls me Jack if I'm in trouble. "Congratulations to you both, I presume not many people know" he says "no only Mason and Declan. If everything's okay on the scan we're telling the other lads later tonight" I tell him and he shakes my hand and hugs Molly, we get in the car and head straight to the scanning centre. Luckily we're seen quickly as it's private they don't make you wait.

We're in the room and the lady is talking and we've explained all about Mollys other issues, she starts the scan with the screen facing her just in case somethings wrong, but soon enough she turns the screen around and it's very small but I see it, the little blob on the screen she says Mollys about 6 weeks, meaning the baby was conceived on holiday. I'm so emotional, this little blob on the screen is my child, I squeeze Mollys hand and say "I love you baby. You are just amazing" we get pictures from the clinic and as we're walking out, I text Mason and Declan telling them everything is okay and to come around this evening. Then I put a message into the England groupchat.
England Lads🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿:
Jack- Lads party at mine this evening. Come for 7:30, we'll order food, have drinks, play fifa the usual. X

It's now 3:30 so they'll be finishing training now so the replies came back quickly and pretty much all of them could come.
Molly POV
it's now 7pm and we hear a knock at the door, I go to answer it, Declan and Mason are the other side with a big bunch of flowers, chocolates and DrPepper, my favourite drink, they give me a cuddle and go to find Jack, I pull Declan back and give him a hug and kiss on the cheek "thank you so much for earlier. I dread to think what mess I would've got myself in if you hadn't been there for me." He looks so surprised "you're very welcome Mols, anything for my little sister." We walk back into the front room and carry on getting ready for the party.
It's now 8pm and everyone's here so Jack calls for everyone's attention. "Lads, so while I've got you all here we've made this party to celebrate... I'm going to be a dad" he says as he points to the large tv screen on the wall where there's a picture of our baby scan showing. Cheers fill the room and they all come up to give us both hugs and offer congratulations, once it's quietened down I speak up "Thank you all for the congratulations but obviously we're keeping it private for a few more weeks, but we wanted you all to know, you're family to us, but there's something else, I know the baby isn't here yet but.. Dec, Mase... both J and I would be honoured if you'd be the godfathers? There's no one else we'd want to pick, you're there for me and J, through thick and thin, you're both kind, caring and honestly the best big brothers I could ask for. We love you both so much, so please will you?"
The whole room are looking at Mase and Dec who are now crying but nodding. They both say of course they will and give us hugs. Everyone goes to celebrate.
3 hours later it's now 11:30pm, everyone is drunk, they're all staying here tonight as they can't drive home plus they know I'll cook a full English breakfast tomorrow. The party has ended and I've made sure they've all got somewhere to sleep, Phil is in the downstairs bath tub, I throw a blanket over him and leave him there, I laugh and take a picture for use another day.
Jack has drunk lots tonight, he was definitely celebrating along with both Mason and Declan. There's only them 3 awake now and me who's the only sober one. They can barely walk so I decide I'll put them in bed one by one. Mason and Declan can share the last spare room.
I take Mason first, he's usually the easiest to sort when drunk but he is hilarious as he chats random shit. "Aww molly moo, are we going on a rocket to the moon?" He slurs as I'm walking him upstairs, "no Masey, I'm walking you to bed you've had lots to drink tonight" I laugh as I open the door to the room, I pull the cover back so I can get Declan in later. Masons already asleep as he hits the pillow. I snap a picture of him so I can wind him up later.
Next is Dec, he's a very lovable drunk. "Mols I love you,you're the bestest sister ever" again another slurred conversation on the stairs. "I love you too Decs, come on big bro let's get you to bed" I lay him down next to Mason and again take a picture for future use. I also take one of them both as they end up cuddling up together. Usually Dec doesn't get this bad so he can help me with drunk Jack and Mase but today I had him aswell. Just Jack to go this will be fun....

A quick fall -A Jack Grealish FanficWhere stories live. Discover now