chapter 21

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I'm sat in his bed on my phone. He gently pulls my phone out of my hand. I look at him. He smiles.

I climb between his legs, hugging him. He pulls me onto his lap. "You're such an attention seeker" I grin. He smiles.

He pulls away slowly. I look at my phone. "Look at me baby" he says. I look into his eyes. "I love you" he says seriously, putting his hands on my cheeks.

"Why you being weird?" I scan his face, looking at his lips then his eyes again. "I'm not.. you're the weird one" he says. I giggle, shaking my head.

"Babe, you've never told me you love me this much" I say. "I always do!" He exclaims.

"Are you okay?" I ask. "Yes baby, of course I am" he chuckles. "Yeah?" I hug him. "Mhm" he hugs me back. I smile. "Der, you're so adorable" I kiss his cheek. He chuckles.

"Can you tickle my back?" He lays on his stomach. "No" I whine. "Please mer" he says. He pulls off his shirt. I scratch his back up and down gently.

"No babe, you have to sit here" he pats his ass. I giggle, straddling his back. "You want a massage or tickles?" I ask. "Both" he says. "You can't have both" I say. "Why? Mer!" He whines. I giggle.

I massage his back. He groans quietly, pushing his face into the pillow. I smile.

"I want kisses too.. give me kisses" he says. "You're such a-" I chuckle. "What?" He asks. "'re lucky I love you" I lean down to kiss his cheek. He keeps his eyes closed but smiles as I give him loads of soft kisses.

"Can I sleep here tonight? Right here.. ontop of you?" I lay down, my head on the back of his shoulder. "Umm.. I'm gonna have to say no" he says. I giggle. I roll off of him.

I lay next to him, scratching his back gently. He smiles, looking at me. He moves closer to me. I carry on as he wraps his arm around me. I look into his eyes.

He smiles, kissing me. "Why do you love me?" He asks. "What?" I ask, running my fingers up and down slower. "Just answer" he whispers.

"Because you're my boyfriend" I say. "Mer" he says. "Der.. I love you for so many reasons.. for every reason" I say. He sighs.

"You're sweet, caring.. supportive.. you make me laugh.. I just love every part of you" my nose brushes against his as I kiss him.

"And you make me feel good" I smile as we pull away. "How?" He smirks. "You're disgusting! I didn't mean that" I say. He laughs. I giggle.

"No, Carolyn please.. please don't sign that" I sob as she picks up the pen. "Honey, it's been three months already.. its time" she says.

"This gives him one month.. and if his health doesn't improve then we.. we turn off his life support" she doctor explains to me.

Carolyn wipes her own tears and Christopher hugs her. They look at eachother for a few seconds before she picks up the pen again.

Tears stream down my cheeks as she signs it. She passes it to the doctor. "Honey?" She holds my arm gently as they walk past me. I pull my hand away. They both leave, aswell as the doctor.

I sob, sitting on the edge of the bed next to him. I hold his hand. "Why are you doing this to me?" I cry quietly into his shoulder.

"Just wake up.. wake up" I pull away. "Wake up" I put my hands on his cheeks. "Please" I whisper. I look at him. I sob, standing up.

I look down at him. "W-we could've been together forever.. I dont understand why you'd do it.. I thought I was making you happier" I wipe my tears.

As I look down at him, rage fills my whole body. I've never felt this angry before.. at everything and nothing all at once.

"You're getting what you want derek, you're dying.. and leaving me and your family and everyone who loves you behind" I say. I let go of his hand.

"You're so selfish.. I wish I never met you.. Just do what you want.. die for all I fucking care.. I don't- I can't care anymore" I grab my bag and walk out of the room. I go outside and walk home, to my house this time instead of his.

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