Aaliyah nods, "uh huh it's been ages since I had a nice blunt" she smack her lips. I grab a back wood wrapper and poured weed in it, I slowly molded it. "You done breast feeding Amaya?"

Aaliyah nods. "Not really but im not exclusive anymore." "Okay baby mama, pass me the lighter." She gave them to me, I spark the lighter and lit the blunt. I took the first drag then pass it to Aaliyah. She tried it and coughed.

"Easy wifey, do it slowly" I told her. When she stopped coughing she tried it again, this time she did it well.

"Why do you call me wifey?"

I shrug, "cos you're my wife"

Aaliyah roll her eyes. "Obviously. I mean why? You can always call me darling or just babe but you insist on that wifey."

Really? "It's not that serious."

"I know Ayo I just wanna know."

I exhale smoke from my nostrils, "Oh well I started calling you wifey since we were dating do you remember?" She nods. "I knew from when I met you that I wanted to marry you, i always saw you as a wife from the very first day so it just stuck and the way you smile whenever I call you Wifey is so heartwarming"

Around Aaliyah my guards are always down, I was a lover boy at heart but no one would ever see that part of me aside my beautiful wife. Aaliyah blush and place the blunt in my mouth. I took a drag and blew the smoke in her face making her giggle.

"God! I really love you Aaliyah, so much!" I tilt my head and smile at her. "Do you know when I knew I was deeply in love with you?"

She shook her head no.

"The first day I saw you cry, I don't know if you remember but that day you were stressed about your job then you showed up at my house and cried in the middle of my sitting room?" I reminded her. Aaliyah thought for a minute then frowns. "God Ayo I looked crazy that day"

"I know that's when I knew I never want to see you get hurt, I never wanted anything or anyone to hurt you. I knew I wanted to protect you and love you and remind you everyday how I'll always be there for you. That day I knew in my heart that I wanted to marry you"

"Oh Ayo that's so sweet!"

I roll my eyes and scoff, "but you turned out to be even crazier than I thought."

Aaliyah slap my legs, "I'm not crazy!"

"Wifey please, all you do is fight!"

"My hands are rated E. Anybody can catch these motherfuckers" she said and we laughed. I shook my head you see why I say she's crazy?

I roll my eyes and exhale smoke from my nostrils. "How on earth do you have the strength to fight?" I shook my head. Aaliyah can fight! Her punches are so painful, remember the night the punched me at that club?

"I don't know I guess from high school, my childhood is different from yours ya know. In my school bitches be jumping anyone, they gon beat you in the hallway, take ya lunch money and all that shit. I always stay outta trouble until this bitch beat my cousin then took her money? I knew sum gotta be done or they gon be doing it so I went and fought her. Since then it stuck" she explained. I imagined her fighting the bully, "The girl must have gone straight to coma yeah?"

Married To Music (A Wizkid Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now