I threw on my clothes and quickly left the room in case either of them decided to chase after me. I almost ran right into Amaimon holding Rin, standing next to Astaroth. "Hey babies, what's up?" I grinned, grabbing Rin as he held his arms out for me to hold him. "Maimai told us Dad also has some godly ki?" my blonde son questioned. "Yes, but very little. Like I told Maimai, he was likely born that way but lost most of it after giving up his intrinsic powers at the end of the second Holy War. Is that what you wanted to ask me about?" I looked at them confused. They both looked deep in thought before Amaimon spoke again, "Are you totally sure? Or what if it stems from the Force Revival you did to save Dad and Uncle Mel when we were little? If Uncle Mel did give up that power, he shouldn't have any at all. I'm just saying, yours gradually changed. It might happen to Dad and Uncle Mel too." I sighed and thought about it, "Mira thinks we all have a lonely look in our eyes. I said the same thing when I met your Dad, Asta. Are you saying it's a coincidence? Or...maybe it all came from him? Then why would Maimai have it?" They both shrugged, "I'm just saying we should watch Dad and Uncle Zel for a little while, see if anything changes. If it did all come from Dad, maybe the blood bond you had with him before Maimai was born was what gave you it? If he was technically a god thanks to his intrinsic powers and you're a descendent of the Vampire God, it's not out of the realm of possibilities that the blood bond between you two sparked it for you and that it all started with Dad. I mean we didn't even know about any of this until Rin was born, anything is possible," Astaroth explained.

I looked back at my bedroom door. "This is gonna get really weird and complicated if this happens to all of us. Like a strange virus," I giggled at the thought. "We can only wait and see, really. But when you got sick, both Dad and Uncle Zel were drinking your blood as well as you drinking theirs. If it theoretically started with Dad, he passed it to you over the years you drank his blood...it's reasonable to think that when you got pregnant with Mira and Rin, it could've been concentrated by the back and forth feeding...which is why Rin was born completely this way. Why it happened to you around the same time, then me because I'm Dad's son. And then Maimai because he was right before me and it could've just been amplifying for a while in your body," Astaroth continued, glancing between his brothers and me. I walked to one of the other rooms and sat in a chair to think, Rin had been silent this entire time, listening to his brothers.

"What about Mira then?" I asked after they sat down, looking at my youngest who stared back at me, waiting for his brothers to answer. "I'm wondering if it's something thats easily passed to boys over girls. Niya and Mira aren't vampires either. I'm not saying it's inherited only by the boys over the girls, just might be easier, though I'm not sure why," Amaimon answered. "Azy then?" I poked my youngest in the belly playfully, he grinned, making me feel better. He was just being patient over something being wrong with him. Both of my middle sons shrugged, "Anything's possible in my mind anymore. Vampires didn't used to be able to turn humans to vampires. You, Dad, and Uncle Zel have a strange hive mind bond. There's a time distortion on our realm where 5 days here is 1 day in Britannia. Rin was born entirely with godly ki. Hell, I don't think anyone knew demons and goddesses could have children together before Azy and Niya!" Astaroth countered. I nodded in agreement, "We'll just have to wait and see I guess. Your Dad is gonna be upset if Zel turns out having it as well. He was thinking he was hot shit, teasing Zel about it. Though I don't want to give him an even bigger ego if it were to stem from him," I laughed, my lovers were both idiots sometimes.

"If what were to stem from me?" Meliodas asked, walking into the room with his brother behind him. "Speak of the demons now. Asta and Maimai were telling me their theory about all this us being gods thing," I explained, handing Rin to his Dad when he came up to me. "Oh yeah? What is it?" Zeldris asked, sitting on the couch next to me. It was funny him not being the Demon King anymore, he was more relaxed now. My sons explained their theories to their Dads, who kept glancing at me as if I could confirm it. "So, I might be the reason all four of you turned out like this? And you're saying you think it might happen to Zel and I as well?" Meliodas asked, after they finished. They nodded, "Like I told Mom, anything's possible anymore," Astaroth told his Dad. Rin looked at Meliodas, he'd been sitting with his Dad patiently, "Daddy, Asta and Maimai are right. You feel more like us now than everyone else but only a little bit more." We all looked at the little boy, "You can tell a difference, baby?" I asked him. He nodded, "Just a little bit. It'll be awhile before Daddy's completely like us. It took awhile for Maimai and Asta too," he laid his head down on his Dad's shoulder and looked at my dark haired lover. "It's gonna happen to you too, Uncle Zel. Momma, Asta, and Maimai can't feel it cause they don't know how as well as I can. It's there, just really little," he added quietly, then played with the strings on his Dad's shirt. Zeldris looked at his brother, sons, and me, with a shocked expression on his face. We shrugged at him, "Rin's the expert here. He was born like this, he'd know better than any of us," Amaimon told his Dad.

"Rin, buddy, what about your other siblings? And your nieces?" Zeldris asked the boy, who continued playing with the strings of his Dad's shirt. "No. They're not like us," he replied nonchalantly. "Will they be?" Astaroth questioned, Rin wasn't always forthcoming with information. "I don't think so," was all he said before looking in his Dad's blue green eyes, "I'm hungry, Daddy." We all chuckled at him, it was strange for all of us but completely normal for him and he didn't see any reason to be concerned whatsoever. "Well, let's go get you something to eat then, little man," Meliodas giggled as he stood up. We watched them leave the room, it was getting late and despite napping earlier, I was tired. All of this theorizing was exhausting and I was envious of Rin's nonchalantness sometimes. "It just occurred to me that if we wait for Meliodas and I to have only godly ki to launch an attack on Arthur and his troops...they won't be able to detect any of us," Zeldris mentioned. "Let's just hope we can wait that long. There's no telling how long it'll take, especially if-" Amaimon started to tell his Dad until I cut him off.

"If you two are right in that it stems from Meliodas and that Rin was born this way because he and I passed it back and forth feeding off each other, Meliodas is his Dad, and it's been multiplying in my body...wouldn't it make sense if Zel and I did the same thing, it'd increase the speed he'd change too? I mean I'd have to do this with Mel as well, just to speed up the process for him but you'd think if it started with him, he'd be further along..." I was rambling but Astaroth and Amaimon nodded. "If that theory is right, it should. As far as Dad not being this way already, he was probably born with it then it likely spiked really high when he released his intrinsic power, then it diminished when he lost that power. My guess is after feeding on his blood for 1000+ years, he'd already passed it to you and even if he lost it all, you just passed it back. I'm not totally sure, we don't have any frame of reference but Rin seems fairly confident so it can't hurt to try with Dad and Uncle Zel," Astaroth commented, shrugging. "It's also a possibility that Dad also was born with godly ki, he is a son of the original Demon King as well...it could just be that it's been lying dormant or something until now," Amaimon pointed out.

I looked at Zeldris who was staring off into space, his face was unreadable but I could feel that he was feeling anxious. I didn't blame him, it was an unknown that seemed even more dangerous than when we'd had Azriel and Niya. They were the first kids from a high ranked demon and a half-vampire/half-goddess, no one knew what to expect. Now suddenly, half of us were becoming actual gods? It was a lot to take in, just like it was a lot to get used to with the Force Revival and then each of them becoming pseudo-vampires and I a pseudo-demon. "Zel, let's go to bed. I think all of us have had a stressful day. Night, boys. I love you," I told my sons as I grabbed my dark haired lover's hand to lead him back to our room.

I stripped out of my clothes and threw on one of Zel's maroon t shirts to sleep in then climbed into bed next to him. I laid my head on his chest and traced the outlines of his pecks and abs. "My head's kind of spinning with all of this, Ali...I don't know what to think anymore. Being a god? What does that even mean for us? What about the other kids, how is it going to effect them?" he murmured, absentmindedly stroking my black hair. I sighed heavily, I was enjoying just being alone with him. I'd spent 13 years with just him at home before Meliodas moved back here, then another 5 before Meliodas and I became lovers again. "I'm not really sure, Zel. We just have to take it one day at a time, like we have been most of our lives...that's all we really can do. That and love and protect our kids," I answered quietly. He smiled down at me, "Oh yeah, are we going to do what you suggested?" he asked, meaning feeding off each other's blood. I grinned, my fangs prominent in my mouth, "If you want to," I giggled when he grinned back, fangs showing in his mouth.

It was strange that he and Meliodas retained their regular bodies but could gain benefits from blood as well as had fangs if they so chose. Though I found them both quite adorable with fangs. I sunk my teeth into the flesh of his neck and enjoyed the feeling and taste of his warm blood rushing into my mouth. Once I was done, I moved my hair aside to offer my neck to him. I hissed when his fangs punctured my skin. For some reason I'd never gotten used to his, only Meliodas'...Zeldris' always caused pain, though it was a nice pain. After he was done, he kissed me lovingly, "I suppose if I'm going to become a god, it'll be fine since I'm doing it with you. I mean, I never really thought I'd enjoy drinking blood yet here we are," he pointed out quietly, making me giggle. I sighed and snuggled up to him, "Goodnight, Zel...I love you so much..." I whispered, falling asleep quickly.

Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now