"How about today at the coffee shop? After school."

Draco nodded. "Fine."

"Also, can you drive us?" Aria asked. "You see, my car had this little dent. So, it is being repaired."

"Umm... sure," Draco couldn't deny his partner, even if it was Aria.

"Thank you!" Aria smiled and went back to her work.

Every moment with her suffocated Draco. But every time he felt the need to leave, Draco reminded himself what his reason behind this was. He didn't want to hurt Y/N, he didn't care about Aria, and he most certainly didn't want himself to suffer. But he needed Y/N to keep away from him.

But today, Draco had lost his control. He wasn't sure what had come over him. After seeing Y/N in the locker room, he pretended to hear songs on that muggle machine. In reality, he had heard Y/N clearly. Draco did not know how to use that thing. But he acted like he didn't recognise Y/N was behind him.

Draco ran his fingers through his hair and realised he had messed them up. Shit! Draco cared for his hair more than anything. He always made sure they were in their place, and he hated when someone touched them, except for Narcissa. But in the flow of his thoughts, Draco ruffled them. He tried to put them in order with his hands.

Draco wondered what he had done to deserve the constant problems in his life. From the sixth grade at Hogwarts, everything in his life had gone downhill. He didn't want to recall the misery that followed. Especially how he was cast off his own family, house, and world.

He very well knew that Draco Malfoy from the seventh grade wouldn't give a rat's ass for a muggle. But the muggle world had somehow how changed him. Y/N had changed him, made him a better person somehow, and Draco didn't know if that was good or not. He could see what sort of bully he was to all the muggle-borns, including Hermione. She had to go through a lot because of the death eaters, whom Draco was a part of.

If only Draco had the option to go back now, he would make everything right. Things had become clear to him after Voldemort's death. His father's ideology had always been a piece of trash, but Draco had begun to care less about what Lucius thought.

But those were all minor things that affected Draco. The biggest and final hit was by Y/N when she appeared at Marcus' party in a half-conscious state. That was when Draco sensed the hierarchy between the muggles and the wizards had begun to blur for him. Y/N had become important to him. Yet, here he was, drawing the line of difference again.

Because she doesn't deserve it.

But the two sides had merged this morning when Y/N had gazed into his eyes. Draco had felt her body pulling him toward her. And when she raised her voice, Draco desired to silence her, not by force, but by shutting her mouth with his. He wanted to answer her, clear her doubts, forget all the things for a moment, and give himself what he had been craving for a while now. And he did.

Draco had kissed Y/N. He hadn't thought about anything, yet he remembered not to cross the line. That's why he pulled back when he sensed Y/N was about to drag him closer. What wouldn't Draco give to feel all those things? But when he had to choose between satisfying himself and caring for Y/N, Draco confirmed the latter.

Draco knew hurting Y/N would be wrong, and he was done being a bully.


"Here," Andrew handed me the helmet.

"Why are you giving it to me?" I asked.

We were by the roadside, planning to go to the cafe for the discussion of our project.

Living In The Muggle World (Draco Malfoy x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now