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"Forget about it already, will you?" Dani said out of frustration.

"No, I don't understand this guy. What does he want from me? I have been thinking about it since yesterday, and I'm wondering why does he want me to shop from him? Like hello? You don't even know me."

I was ranting about the incident that took place yesterday with me and strange- Draco. Still can't get used to his name.

"Will you shut up already?" Dani said, and it kinda felt rude.

"I don't want to be rude, Y/N," she said as if reading my thoughts. "But ever since I've met you, you won't stop talking about this Draco shit."

She was right, though. I lowered my eyes in guilt.

"And you didn't even ask me how was my date with JIM," she added.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"I'm so sorry, Dani," I said as I placed my hands on my head. "I literally forgot about it. Gosh, I'm so stupid. I'm so sorry, Dani. I really am."

"It's alright," she smiled, and I felt better.

"Sooo," I teased her with my eyes. "How did it go with Jacob Isaac Matthew?"

"It was just awesome." She placed her hands on her face and twirled like she was flying.

"That's wonderful," I admitted. "I'm really happy for you, Danielle." And I was. Finally, one of us could have that correct person we always wanted.


I wasn't sure if JIM was the one for Dani. But she looked happy, and that was all that mattered.

I had been happy with Andrew too. In the initial days of our relationship, he would make me happy by going on dates. Then there were a few arguments about taking their relationship to the next level. I wasn't ready for it, and it bothered Andrew.

He tried to understand me, but I knew he never did. He just pretended like it. But that was all. A few arguments and we would get back to normal.

A couple of arguments are allowed while dating, right?

But, when I was unable to attend a school party, Andrew went alone. And that was when he had betrayed me.

I wouldn't have realized it if it wasn't for the marks all over his body and the girl smiling at him almost for a week.

I chewed the lip at the bitter memory and concentrated on my friend. I nodded as Dani kept talking about her previous night.

"Do you have any idea why the locker room is so quiet today?" Dani asked as we made our way into the locker room.

"Well, the first years are having early lectures and the other girls..." I turned to open my locker, "...are either waiting for Draco to arrive or have booked their places near his chair in the class."

"He really that famous, huh?" Danny lifted her brow like she would when she got annoyed.

"Yeah." I nodded.

That was when we heard it - loud footsteps from the corner. We were almost scared for a moment when Draco appeared from a corner. With his neutral expressions, he walked straight at us. But before he could reach us, Danielle walked forward and stopped him.

"And where do you think you are going, mister?" she asked.

Draco did not reply, just looked at me. I wondered if I was supposed to say something.

"As far as I remember, your locker is on the opposite side," Dani said.

"I am going to talk to Y/N," he finally replied.

Living In The Muggle World (Draco Malfoy x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now