"Let's get to Danafor now, before anything else happens," I insisted, thankfully we made it there without anymore interruptions. My heart ached looking at it. If I'd just stayed in Danafor with Meliodas back then, the kingdom might still be standing. Mel took Rin from my arms and walked him to the crater as Zel and I stood back. I interlocked my fingers with his, it wasn't a fun trip for anyone but we felt it was necessary given his sudden change in temperament.

—Meliodas' POV—
Rin was tense in my arms as I walked him towards the giant crater I'd made when I lost control after Liz was killed. It was shortly after his Mom left me, I was already on edge and Liz's death was just too much to handle. "Alright, baby. This used to be a kingdom known as Danafor. Daddy and Momma used to live here a long time ago until one day Momma had to leave and Daddy had to stay. Then one of Daddy's close friends was killed after an evil person attacked the kingdom, and Daddy couldn't save her," I watched his little face as I spoke, he seemed to just be absorbing what I said without much reaction. "When my friend died in front of me, I couldn't handle it and I let my wrath consume me. I did this, Rin. Because I couldn't control my anger. I wanted to show you that something like this can happen if you can't get ahold of your anger as you grow. I don't want you to think we're scolding you though. But that I understand how angry you can feel. You don't just look like me, Rin. Same with Asta. You're a lot more like your Daddy than you realize and it's important to practice dealing with your anger now," my voice was soft, his fists tightened on my shirt and tears were welling in his big brown eyes.

"I don't know how Daddy...I don't wanna hurt sissy or Lenny or Levy or Nini or Maimai or Asta or you or Momma or Uncle..." he buried his face in my neck and cried, it seemed he'd been holding onto this awhile now and it made me sad that no one noticed. "I didn't know how for a long time either, baby. But I learned and that's the important part. No one knows how to do things automatically. What I learned to do with my anger was to use it to fuel me to protect those I love rather than lash out...were you angry today when Merlin showed up?" I rubbed his back to comfort him as he cried quietly. He sniffled a couple times, "Yeah cause I could feel Momma was scared. I didn't want her to be scared!" he exclaimed. I couldn't help but smile, all of mine and Zel's boys loved Ali so much and were extra protective over her, it made me feel good that they'd protect her well if he or I weren't there. "That feeling of using your anger to protect Momma, that's what you can do with it, baby. And you did a good job, you didn't keep attacking, you waited and assessed how everything was going...that's exactly what I'm talking about! Just remember how you felt there," I reassured him, smiling at his little face that mirrored my own. He smiled and nodded, "Okay, Daddy. I'm gonna protect everyone!" I ruffled his black hair, "Atta boy!"

—My POV—
I watched my youngest son and his Dad interact near the crater. He started to cry and Zel could feel I wanted to go comfort him. "Don't Ali, Meliodas has this and he's the best one for him right now," he insisted softly, his hearts were aching for our little guy too. I sighed heavily, "I know...it just hurts me when they're upset," I admitted. He pulled me over to him and wrapped his arms around my waist, my back on his chest, "Same. But he'll be okay, I know it." I let myself melt into him when Meliodas started walking back to us. Rin began to wiggle in his arms, wanting down so he let him. He ran to Zel and I and hugged my legs, "I'm gonna protect you, Momma!" he exclaimed, a big grin on his chubby face. Zeldris and I grinned back at him, "We have a whole platoon of boys now that are gonna protect their Mom with us," Zel chuckled.

"Thank you, baby. I'm gonna protect you too," I responded softly, patting his head. "Do you wanna take him to Liones? Tristan should be back now, he can properly meet him since he didn't the last couple days," Zeldris asked his brother, he wanted his brother's kids to have the same chance at a relationship with each other as his own did. Meliodas nodded, confirming with me as he looked in my red eyes. I picked Rin up and we flew to Liones without trouble, his eyes widened at the scene. There were people everywhere and he wasn't sure how to take it. He was used to vampires and demons everywhere, demons which didn't all have humanoid appearances and this city was all humans. "Are they all human, Momma?" he whispered, his tiny fists clutched my shirt. I nodded, "Yup, they are," I whispered back, these were the first full humans he really had seen before. A middle aged man with blonde hair noticed us when we got close to the castle, "Ali! Meliodas!" Zeldris never really was greeted by those in Liones but he didn't care. "Is that you, Howzer?" I asked, grinning.

Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now