I looked away from him, his green eyes were piercing my red ones and I didn't want to face him. "Azriel. I need to know, now. It's obvious you think it's an issue so tell me so we can be prepared," his voice became icy, he wasn't in the mood for games or hesitation. My eyes met his again, he was staring at me with an intensity that could've made the average person panic and I could've sworn his shadow wasn't quite the shape of his body in that moment. "Iseldis' vision showed Rin and Mom helping Maimai and Asta bring calamity and ruin to the world. It wasn't the way Britannia looks now according to her, it was a strange looking land...and I was the Demon King," I told him the last part softly, Iseldis' vision didn't show her whether I became the King because Dad stepped down or because something happened to him. His face didn't change in the slightest, "I see now why you didn't tell your Mom everything, she's going to freak out about the last part," he muttered, running his fingers through his hair.

I couldn't help it but tears stung my eyes, I was worried for my Dad myself. I'd always been closer to Mom but he still meant the world to me and I didn't want to lose him. He smiled softly, "Hey...come here," he pulled me into a hug, I was sitting so my ear was against his chest and I could hear his hearts beating quietly. "You don't have to worry so much about your Dad, Az. I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon. Amai and Asta supposedly were going to bring calamity to Britannia and they haven't, our fates aren't concrete," he reassured me quietly, stroking my hair. I felt like a child again but it was nice, with everything going on I didn't realize how much anxiety I was actually holding in and some tears started to trickle down my face. He grinned down at me, he felt my tears wetting his clothes, "You may be a grown man with your own baby, but you're always going to be my baby. You don't have to act so tough around me, you know that right? I'm always here for you, even if it's just for a hug from your old Dad," he chuckled at the last part. I looked at him and smiled, "Thanks Dad, but can you really call yourself old when you look the way you do?"

He ruffled my hair, messing it up, "You'll call yourself old too when you're a few hundred years old, trust me. I love you, Az. Go spend some time with Lenny and Iseldis this morning, you work too hard for someone who's not the Demon King yet. Hell, I don't think I even work this hard at being the Demon King," he grinned at me again at the last part. "I love you too, Dad. You're right, I'm gonna go relax with them," I smiled back, he always knew how to make me feel better.

—Meliodas' POV—
Ali and I looked at each other worriedly as soon as we heard Zel's thoughts about what Azriel told him. "I'm sure it's because he steps down, Ali. He's gonna be alright," I tried to reassure her softly but I could feel her anxiety skyrocket and I knew Zel did too. "Even if that's the case, there has to be a pretty dire reason he'd step down, right? Zel likes being the Demon King and he's immortal now so he could be the King for...well forever. What's going to happen that he'd willingly step down?" she asked, her voice cracked a little. As soon as Zel came back in our room, Ali handed Mira to me and ran to hug my brother. "Ali...come on, you know as well as I do that vision doesn't mean something bad is going to happen to me," I heard him say quietly as she cried on his shoulder. She mumbled something but I couldn't quite hear her. Mira and Rin had woken up and were babbling back and forth to each other, making me grin. "Come on Ali, sit back down and relax with me. There's nothing to worry about right now," Zel urged, sitting in the chair next to the couch and pulling her down onto his lap.

"Have Az and Dezran had any updates about Arthur's exploits?" I asked him, trying to change the subject. He was resting his face on his hand with his elbow on the armrest of the chair looking at me, "Mmm, he doesn't seem to be doing much but large chunks of Britannia near where the original Camelot used to be have disappeared. The new Camelot like you know is in a different dimension like our realm is. As far as we're aware, he's rebuilding and biding his time," he replied nonchalantly. I was smiling internally, he was a lot more like me now than he realized the way he didn't seem very concerned about this at the moment. Ali was playing with the fingers of his other hand when she looked at me, "Has Liones been trying to figure out a way to get to the new Camelot?" I shrugged, "Az would know more than I would. He's the one that represents Zel." She sighed and looked at our babies in my arms, "Their childhood is going to be like ours, isn't it?" Zeldris grunted, "Not if I have anything to say about it. They'll stay in the demon realm and grow up like our other four, away from the clusterfuck that's Britannia."

Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now