Magician!Male!Reader x Yandere!Fem!Chara

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Chara: Guess I'll have to wait~ hehe~

Y/n: I wonder how Frisk is.

Chara: What?

Y/n: Heh, they're pretty cute, might ask them out when I leave.

Chara immediately got angry.


Y/n: Hopefully I can break the Barrier without any trouble. I mean, it shouldn't be a problem.

Chara: That's what you think~

Y/n: Oh, screw this, I'm leaving.

Chara watched as Y/n got off his bed and left the room. She followed him as he made his way to the basement without Toriel noticing. However, that stopped when Toriel was now standing in front of the exit. Y/n talked to Toriel but she remained adamant about him staying here. Chara wanted this so it was easier to keep Y/n.

However, Y/n just surprised Chara and Toriel by using gravitational Magic. After this and lots of talking, Toriel let Y/n go which made Chara pissed. But she was also even more interested in that Y/n was a Magician. She just HAD to get her hands on him, but how? That wouldn't be possible until he got enough Determination.

But then Chara realised something, she was awake right now. She doesn't normally wake up until the end when Frisk does this. But she's awake now.

Chara: Wait, how am I awake...?

Y/n: Because of me.

Chara looked at Y/n but he kept walking.

Chara: W-What?

Y/n: What?

Y/n looked back but shook his head and kept walking.

Chara: Can he... hear me? That's gonna be so weird. But~ at least I could tease him and get into his head~

"I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton" Chara got cut off by her thoughts of Sans talking. She just groaned in annoyance and tiredly watched as he and Y/n spoke. However, Chara could feel him glaring at him and Sans could feel Chara glaring at her.

Y/n then reached his hand out and shook Sans' hand. Chara rolled her eyes at the whoopie cushion. However, everything was just silent after that and Y/n and Sans were frozen on the spot.

What was going on? Well, Y/n had connected to Sans' mind and they both talked telepathically. Y/n told Sans about the feelings he had that someone was with him. Sans agreed and quickly told him about Chara and about Frisk. Once the quick chat had finished, they went back to their normal selves but kept the hatred for Chara in their minds.

This didn't matter to Chara, however. Because Chara was following Y/n closely, she was able to slowly break her way through his tough aura which surrounded him. But, it would take hours until it would fully break.


After travelling throughout the whole Underground, Y/n was now at Asgore and Chara had now fully broken the aura surrounding him. So Chara entered Y/n's body and only saw a bright and empty void. She looked around before Y/n popped up out of nowhere in gold and blue robes.

Y/n: Hello, Chara.

Chara: Hey, cutie~

Y/n: I see you've broken my aura. Impressive, not many can do that.

Chara: Well~ I am special~

Y/n: But you need to get past round 2.

Chara: Oh~ sounds kinky~

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