Chapter 1

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"And this years winner of the science olympia is... Aiyanna!"

I heard along with a series of cheers and shouts. I was stunned, my heart pounding through my ears and face beet red. I could feel myself being dragged on stage but my mind was still not quite processing the events unfolding; and before I knew it I was center stage with a mic in front of my face. I could feel the stage lights above shine down causing me to squint as I try to form some sort of coherent sentence.

"I um.. I.."

I mumbled out and as if on cue my best friend, Tyrell runs onto the stage and rips the mic out of the announcer (my quantum physics professor) hands.

"Ayo! Give it up for my girl yanna!"

He shouts with the intensity of a black mom watching her kid graduate. His presence filled me with comfort and the cheers accompanying it drowned out all nervousness as an overwhelming sense of pride filled its place. Tyrell seeing me look visibly more relaxed handed me the mic and gave me a pat on the back. I cleared my throat and looked at the crowd.

"I would like to thank my professor for encouraging me to make my invention, Vibranio acid. I would also like to thank my best friend, Tyrell for staying up with me all those sleepless nights while I worked. I am honored tha-"

Before I could finish the lights turned off and a concerned murmur could be heard from the crowd; just as suddenly as the lights turned off I could hear foot steps storming the stage. They were light enough to put a dagger in your back but uniformed and neat like a soldier. I attempted to look around only for a hand to cover my mouth; I let out a small whimper.

"Yanna you goo-"

Tyrell was cut off and seemingly fell to the ground with a loud thud. I was dragged away to the back entrance of the building and that's when I saw my captors.

"Holy shit it was the Dora Milaje!! Wait.. HOLY SHIT ITS THE DORA MILAJE?!"

I thought to myself not struggling as to not get my ass kicked by the toughest women on the planet.

"We have captured Ms. Aiyanna y/n, heading onto the ship now."

One of them spoke up, she must of been the general based on her demeanor and the command she respected from her presence. (And that bald ass head)

"Cross your arms."

She commanded me and I immediately did. I was then lifted off the ground and slowly being sucked up into a ship.

"W-wait what's going on?"

I asked as the weight of the situation hit me.

"Are you taking me to Wakanda?"

"Yes, you have been summoned by the tribal council to answer for your, what did you call it? Vibranio acid?"

She spoke with authority which sent a chill down my spine. Were they going to kill me? I heard about them kidnapping a girl named Riri  but no one knows exactly what happened to her while she was there. Are they going to wipe my mind?! Oh god!! I try to calm myself by taking some deep breath but as I watch the college I went to get further and further into the distance the situation becomes clear.

"I don't think I'm going to be home for awhile."

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