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Start from the beginning

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"Are we ready, Jungkook?" A loud voice rushes up the stairs to the floor. We pull away from each other. He stands up to greet the other crew members, and I wipe my tears. "Everyone's ready on the streets. All we need is to display the message."

"Alright everybody, we've been over the plan. Take the sheet, tie it to columns on this floor, aim it to the west side of the city, and we jump. Got it?"

"Yes, Sir!" Voices all around salute him with loud and proud voices before breaking off.

"Vee, you stay with me," Jungkook says quietly, walking to the black bags where I can only assume what's inside.

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Within thirty minutes the long sheet is placed. Neon blue words display:

While We Do The Cops' Job, They Are Too Busy Protecting The Businessmen Who Have Hurt Our City. Turn Your Attention To Our Mayor And See His Dirty Lies. His Political Ways Are Shielding You From Seeing His True Intentions.

The message ends at the bottom with a huge printout of the mayor's face with a black bar over his eyes and red cash symbols surrounding the portrait.

Like everyone said, the police sirens come for us not five minutes after the message is put up.

The crew members run to grab a parachute, strapping it to them as if they've done this a million times before, but I haven't.

I grab one of the parachutes, holding it at different angles to figure out which way it goes. I start putting it on, but Jungkook rushes up and removes it.

"This way," he urges, sliding it over my shoulders and buckling it up for me. "When you jump, make sure you're a good distance away from the building before pulling the parachute. Follow me, and you'll be fine."

As soon as he says that, the first guy runs off screaming. "See you at the bottom!"

And my heart drops. I start watching people jump up and down, preparing themselves for the jump, and it starts.

"I can't do it. Jungkook, I can't," I try removing the parachute.

"Vee, listen to me," he tries to remove my hands, but I don't understand him at the moment. I need to get out of this.

"I can run downstairs and take the elevator. Yeah, I'll do that. I'll meet everyone back at the warehouse." I unhook the first strap.

"Vee, look at me," he grabs my face, but I continue removing the straps and begin sliding them off my body.

"Stop!" He yells, halting my actions from the commanding voice he holds.

He grabs my face, and I don't realize how close he is until this very second. "You can do this," he starts readjusting my straps once more, encouraging me slowly as I watch others run and jump off. "You are the only one who can do it; I can't do this for you. It's just like you said earlier. This is your life, and you want to live it yourself. Vee, you can do this." He moves his hands to my shoulders, making me focus on him. "You will be perfectly safe—"

"I-I can't," I start backing away, deeper into the floor and away from the edge. "I can't do it. I need to leave now!" I run past him, headed for the door to walk downstairs, but my wrist catches on something before I can take another step toward the stairs.

When I look back, Jungkook has a hold of my wrist, pulling me straight to him.

Instantly, as he pulls me toward him, he cradles my face and kisses me deeply. His fingers become lost in my hair, lips hungrily kissing me, and my eyes widen from the feeling of his tongue sneaking into my mouth.

His hands roam parts of my body like that time in the basement, and I try to ignore what he's doing. I try so hard, but I can't.

I kiss him back, letting his actions calm part of my body as his lips chase after mine, hands resting on my hips, and hardened chest against me.

It feels as if a minute goes by before he removes himself, pink cheeks evident on his features as I stare up at him at a loss for words.

"Now, think about that," he tightens his grip around my hand and pulls me with him as we run off the floor, jumping into the air with our hands still connected.

I don't realize what we've done until the floor beneath my feet disappears.

I scream; he reminds me that he's right next to me. When we get far enough, he pulls my parachute for me.

Within seconds, he pulls his, and we fly. He keeps looking up at me, a cheeky grin on his clown-like features before shouting to me.

"I told you that you could do it! You're flying, Vee! You're doing it!" In that second, I stop looking at him and the ground, and I focus my attention on the blinding lights of the city.

I watch the rest of the crew in front of us get closer to the ground, while people in the building are just now jumping.

I see the blue and red cop lights flashing as they drive their way through the streets to the towering building, but I know, like Jungkook, that they can't reach us from up here. We're safe.

I hear the laughs from behind me and coming from Jungkook when the huge monitor in the city shows us flying. I watch the screen, seeing Jungkook and me on the same monitor with smiles even our clown masks have nothing to do with.

All I ever needed is for someone to acknowledge me, and Jungkook did just that. Because of him, I learned today that I won't fall like my father; I learned that I can fly. With this view below me, I know that nobody will ever hold me back again.

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