There were obviously there to pat us down to make sure we didn't have any weapons on us; however, they did a horrible job, looking over our bodies in a quick skimming motion before letting us walk through. Mark and Ten made their way to the front of the pack, leading us. While Taeyong fell into stride beside me, keeping his voice low as he leaned in to talk to me.

"I don't have a good feeling about this." He expressed with a poker face. He was still involved with the Lee gang and needed to keep his façade.

"Neither do I." I keep my eyes straight ahead. "Have you seen mother?"

"Not for a couple days, I haven't been here since Monday." He turns to look at me, concern lacing through his tapioca pearls for eyes. "Why? Do you think something happened?"

"I haven't received anything for a week and half, just worried that's all." My eyes matched his as we both felt our guts churn at the thought of something happening to her. Tonight, was not going to be good at all and we all knew it.

We walked into the grand dining room that was more like a dining hall, the arches in were grand and the chandelier was hanging high, lights glittering and dancing above us. The cream-coloured table was long and decorated with gold cutlery and fancy plates. Expensive wine was poured crystal wine glasses as we all took our seats, there were plates of different breads and horderves that looked left out too long.

Our names were written on place cards on the table, Dohwa sat at the head, Siwoo next to him while I sat across from her. Baekhyun to my right with Junmyeon next to him, the rest of the guys flowing behind and around the table to meet up with Ten, who sat at the end of their line.

This is a bad idea.

"Welcome everyone, you all look dashing." Dohwa smirked cunningly at the head, he was up to something and whatever it was I wanted it to be over with, quickly.

"Why did you bring us here?" I question rather harshly.

"Now, now my dear child," he paused before looking at his devilish daughter, her smirking along with him. "Well, I would have called you my own, but you have chosen to go against me, just like your real father."

I knew what he was doing, I chose Baekhyun's side, not his. His going to try and pin us against each other by spiling secrets, there is only one skeleton left in my closet that can be torn out.

"They know I'm not your real daughter, Dohwa." Baekhyun moves his hand onto my clothed knee, lightly caressing it as form of comfort.

"Ah, yes." He leaned back in his red velvet lined chair. "Of course, they know, meaning the deal we stuck up is null in void. I don't need some brat to do my dirty bidding anymore, I have other ways of spreading my super drug and it doesn't involve you."

Baekhyun's hand dripped my thigh tightly at the name and tone Dohwa was using with me. "However, my quarrel is not with you Jiwoo. You're a hard man to find any dirt on Mr. Byun, why is that?"

He's baiting you.

"I don't think having my name and exactly what my business is out in the open would be appropriate for a Mafia group, don't you think?" he casually replied, not seeming phased one bit.

"I don't believe that. You see, I spent countless of hours and resources trying to find anything on you and your group and nothing but materialised articles, I just wasn't looking in the right place.

You see, Chaeyeong's father was one of the best Special Operations Task Force members. He was a spy and a darn good one at it. He knew everyone and everything, he was God at one point and that when it hit me. His top secret laptop that was kept in the floorboards at his old home, that had every bit of information I was looking for."

"What are you talking about?" I was getting more and more agitated with his long winded story and wanting it to be over with already.

"Patience, Chaeyeong. The story is about to get good." He had moved so he was sitting up straight, Taeyong, Mark and Ten all shared a confused look while Siwoo was enjoying every moment of what was happening. "I was able to gain access to his laptop, which is still being updated with to this day with information from a certain company.

Byun Baekhyun, raised by alcoholic father. Put his father in jail and his mother ran, she was found three weeks later, deceased after asking her old friend Eun Minho to take care of her 16 year old son. Baekhyun was taken and trained to be apart of 'Eri Corporation' the Special Operation unit that was overseen by Eun Minho.

Byun Baekhyun is no mafia, just a mafia son. He is however a spy, just like you father, Chaeyeong."

My stomach dropped and my legs become numb. I was lied to. This whole time, while I was feeling guilty about being a liar and came clean as soon as I could, he, them continued to lie to me. Was any of this real? Does he even care for me at all?

"What?" was all that left my lips. I looked at Baekhyun. "You lied to me."

His eyes, his obsidian eyes that held the whole galaxy in them dulled, no stars, no celestials or constellation that danced along the surface. Just dullness and it looked like sadness that came to the brim of his shallow eyes, they were bottomless pits now, they were gallows.

He opened his mouth to talk before Siwoo cut him off. "In case I'm mistaken, you lied too sweetheart."

"Shut up, Siwoo." Not only my voice was heard but Taeyong's too as he sat beside her, eyebrows creased.

"When were you going to tell me?" the hot burning tears started to brim along my waterline, threatening to fall.

"Bambi, I-"

"Don't call me that." The despair in his voice was thick as his eyes started to match mine. Was he going to cry? Is he upset? Was I too harsh? Did I hurt him? I gave my everything to him and laid myself bare for him and yet I didn't want any of this to be true.

I wanted pinch myself, to wake up from this horrible nightmare. This wasn't a nightmare, this was real life, and my lungs were started to fill up, hyperventilating as my heartbeat pounded in my ears causing the room to close in on me.

My lung felt like salt water was filling them up, like I was choking on my own blood, like I was drowning. Like my head was stuck underwater and the winter ice kept me under.

"How did you get this information?" Junmyeon spoke from beside Baekhyun who couldn't take his eyes off my frozen figure.

"You see, Minho loved his wife ever so dearly." My head perked up at the mention of my mother. "There was tab hidden underneath with fingerprint access, no spy would be stupid enough to use his own, he used hers. She refused to help at first, failing around in her hospital bed, screaming at me."

No. Please no.

"So, to make it easy, I just took her finger." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a Ziploc bag, throwing it in front of me. My stomached churned at the sight of my mother's pinky finger and her ring finger from her left hand, her amethyst engagement ring and diamond wedding ring that my father gave to her still there.

Within seconds my betrayal and sadness turn to blinding red rage. I stood from the table, long golden fork in my hand as Dohwa laughed at my brokenness. His cackling turned to screaming his I jammed the fork into his hand, trapping it to the table.

This caused everyone to stand from the seats, Siwoo dramatically screaming as blood started pouring from her father's hand. I quickly grabbed the steak knife from its place and joined it next to the fork.

"Bambi." Baekhyun's arms were around my waist, trying to pull me away from doing anymore damaged.

"Go ahead," Dohwa panted out. "Kill me just like you killed your own father."

Underwater || BBHTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon