Chapter 9: Hot soup: the game

Start from the beginning

Mikey giggles " it's fun".

The rope then broke and fell into some armor, " ahh! Mikey, you alright" I asked.

He got up " mhm, how much they want for this? Ooh, it's got a feather!" He asked looking at the armor,

" mm, my guess, a quarter" I said.

He looked at me confused, I shrugged my shoulders " what? Doesn't really look all that special.

He looked at me and gasped " it has a feather!".

I chuckled " ok, ok".

We then jumped at a voice " who are you?".

We turned around and it was ninja looking girl with a flat hair head.

" what are you doing here?" She pointed at us.

" we're customers here, here to pick up my Lou jitsu video game" I said with skepticism.

" Lou jitsu?" She mysteriously asked.

" are you narrowing your eyes because you like Lou jitsu?" Mikey asked her.

" Lou jitsu! Yes, punch chowder is my favorite motion picture film movie" she said with intensity at first then going into a calm voice.

" oh, okay. Well then...what the?" Mikey was saying when the girl stole the tickets out of his hand.

" hey! Those aren't yours!" I yelled to her.

" I shall return. Stay here and do nothing!" She went away doing the flips.

Mikey stood flabbergasted and I did too and Mikey was walking in a line with his hand under his chin " hmm. Something's up. She says she works here, but the lights are off, but maybe there's a power outage, but she didn't care about this whole situation".

He pointed to himself and then me " eh, maybe she thought I was in costume. But she did like punch chowder"

" she never said she worked here" I said.

He gasped " but only criminals like punch chowder!"

The girl came back then hit Mikey.

"Mikey!" I yelped.

He popped up " hey! What's the big idea?".

" an enemy of the foot much perish. You will not claim the artifact" the girl said.

" but we have a receipt!" I told her.

She then started coming after us, she was swinging the axe high and low, low because Mikey was hopping on the ground and high because I was flying.

" is this how you normally treat customers? Ow! Cause if it is, I'd like to speak to your supervisor!" Mikey was saying in a panic while running.

She then finally hit Mikey and he landed into the wall then on the disc player.

" Mikey!" I yelped.

She was about to slam the axe down, when I jumped her, but the axe still dropped down on the armor, freeing Mikey.

" huh? What? I'm not paying for that" Mikey said.

The girl then came after Mikey and she punched him in the gut and he went into the wall.

I then pushed her, defending Mikey, I scratched her a few times, but she was winning fight wise, we then saw Mikey, and so she went after him, while I was holding onto her legs.

" MIKEY, MOVE!" I yelled to him.

He jumped out of the way, grabbed the game and started running and stopped.

Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles: Leonardo x leslieWhere stories live. Discover now