Chapter Eighteen

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"Luke what's going on?" Scott approached him. His three betas behind him.

"I have my own plan and I needed you to trust me completely." He stood up.

"And you thought killing Deaton would help your case?" Scott's eyes were a brilliant red.

"Wait he did what?" Isaac turned Scott so he was slightly facing him.

"He ripped out Deaton's heart." Scott stepped toward Luke but he just held his hand out slamming them all against the ground.

"I really didn't want it to end this way." Luke smiled, "but this is probably more fun anyway." He waved his hand throwing Scott upwards, pinning him against a tree. "Now I need to take your blood the hard way." Luke pulled a small pocket knife from his waist band and ran it along Scott's neck.

"Get away from him!" Isaac growled, momentarily surpassing Luke's hold. Luke just waved again smacking Isaac down with the others.

"Oof that was close, Isaac ol' boy!" Luke jested. "Now where was I?" Luke dragged the knife along Scott's collar bone, earning a growl in pain. The blood trickling down into a small vile. Luke turned to face the rest of them while Scott was still pinned. "Oh and just to save you some time, I had Donnie take care of that little Vixen of yours. It was fun watching her struggle before I gave them some alone time."

"You. Did. What?" Scott's red eyes darkened to that of blood, his face contorting to that predator instinct he had been trying to contain for so long. His voice became dark and deep, you could hear the wolf pushing through, "I'm going to tear you to pieces. I'm going to make you wish you were dead." He began to push through Luke's hold.

"God you're strong." He tried aiming his hand more at Scott but the beast was pushing through his telekinesis.

"Malia are you alright?" Liam turned his head as much as he could, Malia's head was down but her back was up, she had almost resembled a statue until the thrashed her head up screaming,

"You fucking monster!" Malia's body thrashed under Luke's hold but inevitably began to change, "You killed her!" Malia's hands turned to paws and her teeth to fangs, before their very eyes Malia's eyes glowed blue and her body shifted into that of a coyote.

"Well shit." Luke waved his hand, using what hold he did have over Scott to throw him towards the others. He then snapped his fingers, casting a circle of fire around Malia and the boys. "Have fun with that." He chuckled before grabbing his bag and disappearing into the woods.

"Who are you taking?" Isaac yelled to Liam, now that they were both freed from Luke's hold.

"What do you mean 'who am I taking'" Liam threw his arms in the air. "They're gonna tear us apart!" Liam jumped, avoiding the path of the pouncing Malia.

"We need to calm them down, Luke said those things to make them lose control!" Isaac and Liam now stood shoulder to shoulder while Malia and Scott stared each other down.

"Scott." Liam spoke softly but determined. "Scott you need to calm down." He put his hands up approaching his enraged Alpha slowly. "Scott this isn't you. Luke's controlling you."

Liam looked down before finding Scott's gaze again. "Just like he controlled me. Look Scott, you once told me that we aren't monsters." Liam stepped closer, Scott growling louder, his claws extended. "That we're werewolves."

"Liam." Isaac tried to stop him, not being able to predict Scott's moves.

"I got this." He slightly turned back. "You said that just because animals are what we are." He stepped closer, only a few feet from Scott, "Doesn't mean it's who we are." Scott's eyes softened. dulling down to their usual red. His face contorting to that of his standard wolf.

Blood is thicker than Water(Boyxboy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon