Chapter Eleven

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So I know I'm still new and not a lot of you follow me but if you do read my Fic you should totally follow BekkaChaos, she's probably the most talented FanFic writer I have ever read. If you guys wanna see anything specific or have any ideas I'd love to hear them!


Morning may have come quickly but it didn't weaken the hold Liam had on Stiles as the two lay in his bed. A streak of light came through the window and woke Liam first. Liam removed one of his arms from around Stiles' waist and rubbed away the morning from his eyes. Liam carefully slipped his other arm out from under the brunette who was snoring, mouth draped open. He was happy that Stiles could remain asleep, there was a half day at school due to a meeting regarding the missing teen. He walked over to his dresser grabbing a change of clothes so he could shower but before that he checked his phone for any updates, ironically enough he had a text from Scott,

Scott: Liam, new big bad in town is a kind of Witch. They already killed one of the betas from the new pack. You and Stiles need to make up cuz we paired up and u 2 are together. Pack meeting at noon.

Liam smiled at the "need to make up" part becuase Stiles and him were better than made up, they were together.

"What's going on?" Liam turned to see Stiles awake facing him from the bed.

"New big bad is some type of witch. Scott says we need to make up and pair up, no one goes anywhere alone. There's a pack meeting at noon." Liam smiled and Stiles returned the kind gesture. "So are we like boyfriends now or something?" The question put a knot in Liam's stomach but he needed to know.

Stiles smiled and sat up on his knees making his way to Liam who now stood by the edge of the bed, Stiles leaned in and gave Liam a kiss, before speaking "I'd like to be your boyfriend or something." Stiles smiled and Liam kissed him back,

"Good." Liam's eyes widened for a second as he realized what had happened the previous night, "Stiles, we may have a problem."

"Whatever it is it can't be that big." Stiles gave Liam a peck on the cheek.


"Guys we have a HUGE problem. That new guy Luke knows about werewolves." Stiles dragged his hands down his face.

"What? How?" Scott stood up an eyebrow raised. Before Stiles could answer the entire group looked at Liam. Liam looked up from his phone to see everyone staring, now feeling insecure,

"What? How do you know it was me?" Liam tried to be defensive.

"You're the only one that's had a conversation with him first of all?" Lydia chimed in, Jackson standing next to her smiling,

"Nice move freshy." Jackson scoffed. Liams eyes darkened with anger,

"Why are you even here Jack-ass?" Liam's eyes shone yellow.

"Back up, I was part of the pack before you were even in High School." Jackson's eyes now glowing blue staring back at Liam.

"Techinically you weren't part of the pack, Derek taught you how to not kill people on the full moon then you left." Stiles stood by Liam.

"He's got a point." Lydia threw in. The mood in the clinic became very tense, very quickly.

Jackson stood up now staring at Stiles, "Do I need to kick your ass Stilinski?" He stepped closer but Liam was already in front of Stiles, eyes yellow and teeth baring.

"I'll rip your throat out if you go near him." In that moment the two jumped at each other, their arms wrapped around each other growling for dominance.

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