Chapter Ten

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So I just updated this, the above pic is how I picture Luke. Hope you all enjoy!
"So you're a werewolf?" Luke asked, sitting next to Liam as the two leaned against a rock by the water. Liam couldn't believe he already blew the secret, it hasn't even been a day.

"Yep." Liam looked down.

"Were you born like this or?"

"No." Liam's legs were straddled outward as he used one of his hands to draw circles in the earth between them, "You can be born like this but otherwise you need to be bitten. I was in danger and the only way to save me was to be bitten." Liam wasn't sure how Luke was really handling the situation but as far as he could tell it wasn't going downhill.

"Is it okay if I keep asking questions?" Luke raised an eyebrow. Liam swallowed, his heart jumping in his throat, like it was trying to escape He didn't want to disappoint Scott by telling Luke everything but maybe if he appeased his interest he wouldn't try snooping.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Okay, so who turned you?" Liam may have agreed to share some information with Luke but he wasn't ready to betray Scott.

"My Alpha. I can't say who though, you have to understand that it's not just my secret to keep." Luke looked a little upset then smiled,

"So just tell me the perks of being....a werewolf?" He chuckled.

"Well we're really fast, and strong." Luke's eyes widened along with his smile,

"And cheaters at lacrosse!" He pushed Liam who chuckled. "No wonder you're so good!"

"Hey! I was that good before I was bitten!" Liam winked at Luke.

"Yeah yeah, so what else?" He leaned in.

"We have claws." Liam added and Luke's eyes widened.

"Claw?" Luke looked at Liam's hands, "Where?" Liam smiled and opened his one closed hand quickly, claws extending from his fingertips. Luke flinched a little, not out of fear of Liam, but that he wasn't expecting claws. "Cool, so your eyes glow yellow too?" Liam smiled.

"Our eyes glow yellow if we're a beta, which is what you are if you are part of a pack and not the Alpha."

"What if you're not an Alpha but not part of a pack?" Liam asked inquisitively.

"You're an Omega, or a." Liam was cut off by Luke who must have figured it out,

"A lone wolf." Liam smiled. He took a deep breath and picked up on Liams happiness, it was sweet but at the same time had the effect of wintergreen opening his lungs.

"Yeah. One thing quick though, we can smell emotion, kind of. We can smell pheromones a lot of the time but it's not always exact." Luke blushed and idly looked away before turning back to Liam, speaking under his breath,

"So you could smell that I was attracted to you?" Luke took Liam's hand in his own intertwining their fingers, Liam responds by doing the same,

"Not exactly, I'm still new to this whole thing. Oh we can also take people's pain away, but it's not always safe, if we take too much it can be dangerous. That's what my Alpha told me, he's really great. He knows how hard it can be to control all of this.

"Well I've narrowed it down to a 'he'." Luke smiled and Liam smacked his forehead,

"Shit!" Liam hid under his breath. "Luke I have a question for you now."

Luke looked puzzled but didn't seem to mind, "what's that?" He smiled.

"How are you taking this so well? People aren't suppose to react to the supernatural as well as you are." Luke leaned in surprising Liam with a soft kiss on the cheek, his lips were soft and tender even if the kiss was only a peck.

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