Chapter Seventeen

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"Lydia!" Jackson grabbed her trying to calm her calm, "Lydia relax!" He tried to stop her flailing, screaming like she had done before.

"Jackson?!" Malia barged through the door, "Jackson what's wrong?!" Lydia had finally began to calm down, her scream stopped. she trembled in Jackson's arms.

"I don't know, she just started screaming for no reason."

"Someone's dead." The shaken girl whispered.

"Wait, what'd you say?" Jackson looked at Lydia for confirmation but they both knew what she had said. Someone's dead. The question is who?


"So how was your guys' weekend?" Melissa sat at the table with Scott and Isaac who were exhausted from the fight. "And don't lie to me either just because I'm human!" She chuckled. Melissa handled the fact that Scott and Isaac were together way better than she handled the supernatural. It kind of made Scott think that she had assumed he was interested in men for a while.

"It was rough. There's a whole new bunch of drama going on in Beacon Hills and of course we got dragged into it. Scott put his head down on the table while Isaac played with his hair.

"And with everything going on with Stiles, how are we suppose to tell his dad?" Isaac's eyes jumped open the minute he spoke.

"Wait, what's going on with Stiles?" Melissa raised and eyebrow, "Boys?!"

Scott sat up, running his hand through his hair, "he's kind of in a coma." Scott clenched his jaw.

"He's what?!" Melissa stood up, almost flipping the table with her. "Is he okay?! Wait, you haven't told his father?" She looked at both of them.

"We know we have to, we just don't know how to break it to him." Melissa could see Scott working himself up over it. Scott always had a sense of responsibility for others, it why she though he'd make a great Alpha.

"Okay sweetie, deep breaths." She moved over placing her hand on his shoulder. "How'd this happen? Was he in an accident? Did he hit his head or something?"

"No it was a spell or a potion or something from a witch."

Melissa looked completely taken, "A witch? Scott they aren't real, are they?"

Scott raised an amused eyebrow to his mother, "Mom, I'm a werewolf, remember?"

He smiled and Melissa chucked as well, "Oh yeah. So how do we fix him?"

Scott let his head drop again, smacking against the table.

"What did I say?" Melissa looked to Isaac.

"We can't fix him." Isaac played with the hair on the back of Scott's neck. "We have a spell book that will make her crazy strong and if we don't give it to her she'll kill Stiles." Isaac exhaled, his hand now massaging Scott's upper back.

"I don't see the problem?" Melissa looked confused. "Is she a threat to you guys or does she just wanna get the book and leave?"

"We're pretty sure she's a threat." Scott raised his head. "Her brother had us divide and we fought her and her allies." Scott was exhausted, they both could see it.

"Well it sounds like she has a problem with her brother. Why don't you try talking to just her?" Melissa smiled.

"That's actually a really good idea, thanks mom!" Scott stood up but Isaac and Melissa both caught his arms. His eyes were dark with exhaustion from the lack of sleep do to stress.

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