Chapter Five

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Sooo all you guys missed in Chapter 4 is that Scott and Isaac had sex for the first time and told eachother that they love eachother for the first time.


"So do you know if Malia's coming?" Kira kept asking Lydia. The two hadn't spoken since earlier in the day when Malia snapped at her.

"For the..." Lydia looked up for a second as if trying to figure out an equation, "eig-ninth time she lives here! Of course she's coming tonight!"

"Oh...yeah?" Kira avoided Lydia's eyes after now making a fool of herself. She sat on one of the three stools that Lydia had placed out around her island counter in the kitchen. "So......" Kira began to speak before Lydia cut her off.

"Oh my gosh Kira! You seriously need to tell me why you're always so curious when it comes to Malia?"

"Oh um..." Kira pondered whether or not to tell Lydia that she thought she may or may not like Malia.

Lydia stopped whatever she was doing and spun around to see Kira, her eyes now widened with a mix of excitement and shock that turned the corners of her mouth upright into a smile, "Oh my gosh! You like her! You like Malia!"

"Uh.. no I don't, why would you say that?!" Kira began to panic.

"You so do!" Lydia leaned over the counter holding Kira's hands, "Don't worry little vixen, I won't tell your secret." Lydia winked and went back to whatever she was doing. "Although we are definitely talking about this, do you think you go grab some wood from the back shed. I wanna keep the fire going, it's supposed to drop to like 50 degrees tonight and not all of us have a supernatually high temperature."

"Yeah, be right back!" Kira jumped off of her stool grabbing her small black coat and heading out the back door

"Thanks!" Lydia yelled before Kira was out of ear shot.

"Not a problem." The young fox exited the lakehouse and walked toward the shed that lay right before the tree line. "Some shed, this thing's the size of my garage." Kira said to herself as she opened the door and wandered around looking for the fire wood.

It had only been a few nights since the last full moon so the sky was still well lit. The shed however, was almost completely black. Kira wandered farther into the shed and bumped into something hanging, causing her to shriek and jump back. She pointed her phone at the hanging object and felt foolish for being afraid when all she saw was a light-bulb with a small on/off cord. Kira pulled the cord but the light didn't turn on. She smiled to herself before putting her fingers around the bulb. She felt the currents of energy transfer from her to the bulb, watching the shed light up.

"There you are." Kira smiled to herself as she crouched down next to a pile of wood in the far corner. She grabbed 4 pieces before leaving the shed. She was almost back to the house when she was thrown across the back yard, landing hard on her back. "Ow, what the hell!" her eyes glowed a deeper gold. There was a figure standing ten meters away wearing a hood. "Who are you?!" Kira growled as she got up, ready to attack. The figure stood at least a foot taller than Kira and their eyes glowed an icy blue although she couldn't make out a face. Kira pounced at the figure but before she could react it was already right in front of her, picking her up by her neck. "Help!" Kira screamed, the creature squeezed her throat, Kira tried pulling it's hand away before she was thrown across the yard slamming into the back shed. She held her throat and coughed violently trying to breath. Kira pushed herself up against the shed trying to muster the strength to get up but she was too weak and she couldn't scream for help from the pressure previously put on her throat. "Please don't kill me, I don't wanna die." Kira cried as the figure got closer, it was about ten feet away when another figure tackled it forcing it into the wall by Kira, smacking it's head against the wall. Kira looked at her rescuer, "Liam? Thank god."

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