Chapter Sixteen

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"Stiles run!" Jackson yelled as Amory threw him into the fence with a wave of her hand.

"I'm not leaving you guys!" Stiles yelled back, grabbing Jackson by the arm and helping him up. Kira was off to the side helping herself up. Luke to the other side being smacked around by Cuyber. "We all have to get out of here!" Stiles yelled to the other two.

"You're such a pain in my ass, you know that?" Jackson stumbled. Stiles had Jackson's arm over his shoulder and was beginning to retreat with him.

"Yeah I know I know." He chastised Jackson.

"Oh no you don't." Amory waved her hand, causing a wall of fire to circle around them all.

"You crazy ass bitch!" Jackson stood on his own, Stiles still beside him, facing Amory. "I'm gonna rip your throat out!" Jackson's eyes glowed blue and his face contorted into that of his wolf. "Well I can't have anyone doing that and spoiling the party." She quickly held her palm up , sending a burst of energy at Jackson. Jackson covered his face, ready to embrace the pain, but it never came, instead a voice did, Kira's voice from where she was previously struggling. Mow standing strong on her own.

"Stiles, no!" Jackson looked passed his arm and in what seemed like slow motion, Stiles had jumped in front of him, taking the blast.

"Stiles!" Jackson screamed before crouching down to the unconscious teen.

In an instant Cuyber had ensnared Luke's neck in his tail while pouncing at Jackson, trapping Him on the ground by his shoulders.

"Stiles!?" Kira glared at Amory, full of fury, "What'd you do to him?" Kira's eyes went wide as she swung her sword at Amory who leaned back, avoiding the blade.

"That was close you little vixen!" Amory made a backhand motion to the air sending Kira flying back by Stiles. She looked to Cuyber who now had Luke's body wrapped in his tail and Jackson's shoulders under his claws. "I don't get what the big deal is anyway. I take some blood from my brother, my family's Grimoire and poof I'm gone." Luke and Jackson struggled to free themselves but nothing worked.

"Why? So you can be some all powerful Tukk, hurry Luke use your magic!" Jackson yelled but it was pointless, he could see that Luke was now completely immobilized by the Kanima's tail. "Wait why hasn't he used his venom?" Jackson growled.

"Oh well you see, Cuyber wasn't a Kanima by the natural order of things." Amory giggled, "But a Kanima's what I wanted so I took him, and did a little experimenting with a spell that I remembered seeing in our family's Grimoire." She walked over to Stiles who was still out cold and Kira who was only a few feet away, still trying to push herself up. "Now I know my brother must have told you about the whole 'You need to know all of the specifics for a spell to work properly.' speech". Amory leaned down, cupping Stiles chin in her hand.

"Get away from him!" Jackson growled, struggling to be free, but Cuyber slammed him back against the ground knocking any confidence out of him.

"See I knew most of the spell so I was able to turn Cuyber but he still fights my control, especially tonight on the full moon, and I couldn't get the whole paralyzing venom thing to work. Guess I'm just having a lucky break with how good he's behaving."

Amory took out a small vile from her jacket pocket in one hand and with that same hand popped the cork out from the opening.

"What are you doing?!" Kira's eyes glowed, she pounced up but was knocked back into the wall again by Amory's glare.

"Did you really think that was going to work? Let's just see how this goes, it's suppose to be a comatose potion but without the Grimoire..." she looked to Luke with an accusatory expression, "I had to improvise. Hope it all works out." Jackson and the others struggled to get up with no avail. Amory tilted the vile, releasing a single drop of the concoction into Stiles' unconscious mouth. She quickly stood up, backing away as they all watched his skin turn a shade of gray. His veins ran black.

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