Chapter One

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Hey guys! So I hope you enjoyed my Prologue even though its a little rough. I would love some comments and feedback. Tell your friends!

Stiles POV:

I layed in my bed pondering whether or not I'm going to get up this morning. I haven't gone out since Derek left. How could someone just say they love you one minute and leave the next? I hear my phone buzz next to my bed on my nightstand and reach over to check it.

Scott: Hey, I know you wanted some time to yourself but Deaton wants us to all meet at the clinic at 1. Says it's important.

I groan a little before replying

Me: Okay, I'll be there.

My phones clock says 10:30 so I guess I should get out of bed and clean up a bit.

I thought the hot water trailing down my body would help me feel better but it doesn't, it doesn't help me feel anything.

A few minutes later I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. When I used to look in the mirror I saw someone who saw all of the colors in the world, all of its possibilities, now, now all I see is black and white. When I walk into my room I grab some clothes and throw them on. I make my way downstairs into my kitchen and jump when I see a figure in my kitchen, I become worried at first but then manage a small smile when I realize that it's Malia.

"Hey your dad let me in before he left for work, is that okay?" She ask almost apologetically. Malia and I were in a relationship for a little while before Derek and I but we ended up just being close friends.

"Yeah, that's fine." I muster before I grab a bagel off of the counter. "So why'd you stop by?"

"I won't lie to you, I was a little worried so I figured we could talk for a little while before the pack meeting at Deatons. Do you mind giving me a ride?"

I didn't mind giving her a ride but I was curious as to why she didn't go with Lydia, the two of them live up in her lakehouse now. "Not at all, but if you don't mind me asking, why didn't you get a ride with Lydia?" Malia's eyes widened at the question and stuttered a bit before answering,

"Uhh.... Umm... I just wanted to go with you." She smiled, wonder what she's hiding.


Malia and Stiles rode in his jeep to the clinic to meet the rest of the pack. Malia kept playing with the radio because she still doesn't get the whole idea behind music. She played with the knob enough to actually bug stiles. She would do anything to keep herself from saying why she really didn't go with Lydia. Kira was riding with Lydia and something about Kira's scent has been driving Malia crazy lately.

When the two made it to the clinic, most of the pack was already there waiting. Scott was sitting on the far corner, Isaac inbetween his legs while the two talked. Liam was talking with Mason outside in the waiting room. Kira and Lydia were still on their way. Malia wandered over to Scott and Isaac and the three began laughing about something.

Stile POV

I saw Deaton mixing a few different colored liquids together. He looked worried. I wandered over to a bench and sat down taking out my phone and looking at some old photos of Derek and I.

"You okay?" I look up and see Liam walk over, joining me on the bench.

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" I'm lying and he knows it but he won't push the subject.

"Because none of us have talked to you in weeks and we were worried." Liam seemed concerned.

"You were concerned?" I smirk at him and he blushes. Not a moment later Mason comes in and sits next to Liam,

"So how does this pack stuff work?" Mason seemed confused so I stepped in to explain

"See Scott's the Alpha, but not just any Alpha, a True Alpha. Malia is a Were-Coyote who spent most of her life as a coyote in the wild. Liam, Malia and Isaac are Scotts betas although Isaac and Malia are his betas by choice while Liam was bitten by him. Lydia's a banshee so..."

"Wait a what?" Mason's eyebrows raised out of confusion.

"A banshee." Lydia cuts in while walking in with... Kira? Wonder if she's why Malia wanted to ride with me? "The wailing woman. We predict death and our screams can be heard from unfathomable distances by the supernatural." She sat on a bench to the wall perpendicualr to the one Mason, Liam and I sat on. "Excpet we don't really know that much about us." She looked almost upset but I don't blame her. We know a lot about the rest of the pack but have almost no information on banshees.

"So what are you then?" Mason points to Kira, "A Were-Fox?" Kira chuckled before finally speaking up,

"No, I'm actually a Thunder Kitsune, or a Thunder Fox." she began to rub her index finger and thumb together as sparks began to appear "I'm a different kind of shifter. I'm almost as fast as most wolves and I heal, We're not as strong but different Kitsunes have different abilities." She smiled her kind smile.

"So Stiles, where have you been?" Lydia looked at me puzzled.

"I've been around,,, my house." I try not to look up, I feel guilty that I've ignored the rest of the group.

"Well at least you're here now" Liam let out before quickly looking the other way.


Everyone sat around the clinic for a few minutes before Deaton finally spoke up, "Now that every one is here, I have a few announcements to make. First there is a full moon in two months and..."

"So? We can all control ourselves on the full moon?" Malia cut in before Deaton shot her a glance that made her be quiet so he could continue,

"...and its one that only occurs every 100 years. It will last for three nights and it will enhance all of your abilities, but it will also enhance any other supernatural creatures that rely on the moon.

"We have a True Alpha and a Banshee on our side, why should we worry?" Stiles chimed in.

"I would completely agree with you Mr. Stilinski, if she wasn't back." Deaton spoke sternly.

"If who wasn't back?" Isaac looked worried.

Deaton took a deep breath as the room got quiet, waiting for his answer.

"If Jennifer Blake wasn't back."

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