Chapter Thirty

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Luke laughed to himself as he stood over Lydia.  The young banshee crawling away, a long gash down her leg, soaking her pants with her own blood. Lydia may have been full of terror for the fear of being killed but she didn't show it. Lydias eyes were like stone, unyielding to the elements.

"You're going to die Lydia."  Luke pulled a 10 inch knife from behind his back. The smallest trace of blood already beginning to dry on the blade, but the blood on the blade wasn't Lydias, it was Stiles. Luke bend over putting his hands on his knees, knife still in hand. "I'm going to absorb all of that banshee power you have. Then I'll be the beacon of death or whatever the hell they call you."  Luke smiled a twisted sickly grin.

Lydia sat herself up, turning her arm to flip Luke off.  "I hope I taste terrible." Lydia spat in anger.


A Few Hours earlier

"Tonight's the night everyone!" Luke stood just outside of the circle he had Scott trapped within. "There is a chance that the pack will find us here so here's what I want you to do." Lex and Donnie had already gotten within the general vicinity. Lex was almost rocking side to side, full of the energy she planned on using to kill Isaac. All Scott could think about was how Isaac would risk his own life to save his mate.

Donnie didn't seem as pumped. Scott briefly made eye contact with him but it was cut short the minute Donnie realized what had happened and turned away quickly.

"Lex you're going to go with Donnie and hold them off while I work the spell.  If you get the chance to kill my siblings......" Luke paused, "do it."  Donnie's eyes widened and he was in front of Luke in an instant.

"You said no one else would die.  You promised!"  Donnie almost growled. 

Luke didn't seem amused by Donnie's instant showing of bravery, in fact he seemed almost disgusted.

"I will kill anyone that stands between me and the power that is rightfully mine!"  Luke's eyes held something cynical within them.  "Remember who gave you all this power you asked for."  Luke turned and began moving candles and some other things around.  He spoke without turning back to Donnie.  "remember who can take them away." Luke turned to Scott with a grin. 


"How are we suppose to find this Nemeton?" Jackson turned onto a backroad.  Cuyber and his group in the remaining seats. 

"If It is actually a supernatural beacon, it should be drawing us to it, shouldn't it?" Malia raised an eyebrow.

"No." Cora rested her arm on the back windowsill.  "The Nemeton isn't just some beacon.  It's a living thing, full of power since the sacrifices."

"But why would it reveal itself to Luke of all people?" Kira turned to her.  Kira sat in the middle with Cora or Malia on either side. 

"Because Luke's powerful." Cuyber's voice cut across their own.  They could all sense that he knew something.  "When Luke channels the moon tonight he'll be channeling the Nemeton too and while he's channeling it, power will be flowing through it.  Therefore the Nemeton sees Luke as a benefit at the moment."

"Will it give him a boost then?" Jackson continued to drive, not turning away from the road for a second. 

"Without a doubt" Cuyber leaned his head against the headrest.  "But it'll give us a boost too."

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