Chapter Seven

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Liam's POV

"I'm Liam." I said. I had no idea who this chick was and I may be new to this supernatural stuff but there was no doubt that she was a werewolf.

"Nice to meet you, so you gonna answer my question?" She held her hand out to assist me.

"Oh yeah," I take her hand as she pulls me up, "Well I was with some friends and I made a huge mistake and now I'm here with you." I try not to reveal too much. I need to stay cool until the others find me. "So are you a beta?"

"Yep." She winked and her eyes turned gold, "You?" she looked me up and down.

"Yeah." I flashed my eyes flashed at her.

"Who's your Alpha?" She seemed to be looking for an answer and she walked around me.

"Scott McCall." I said proudly. Everyone knew Scott was the Alpha, there was no point in lying.

"You mean to tell me that Scotty-boy is the True Alpha?" She smiled.

"Yeah? Wait you know Scott?"

"Scott and I go way back." She winked and began to walk toward the woods.

"Hey where are you going?" I start to follow but she's already gone. I begin walking back toward the Lake house when I'm tackled to the ground by something strong, "What the hell!" I look up and see Malia standing over me.

"Found him!" She yelled behind her, "Oh sorry Liam." she stepped off helping me up.

"What are you guys doing here?" I snap.

"We were looking for you." Isaac showed up out of the tree line but before he could say anything he tilted his head up sniffing. He began to walk around smelling the air.

"What's up with you?" Malia looked at him quizzically.

"Liam?!" Scott yelled running up to me and embracing me in a hug, "Are you okay?" He looked me up and down.

"Yeah don't worry." I give him a small smile.

"What the hell were you thinking? You could have been attacked by that new wolf." Scott let out a deep breath.

"I wasn't though, although I did meet another new wolf."

Scott's eyebrows both raised as he questioned me, "what new wolf?"

"She was nice, her name was..." I didn't get to finish before Isaac interrupted.

"Erica" He sighed, "The new wolf was Erica."


Half an hour earlier.

"We have to find him." Stiles was freaking out about the whole Liam situation.

"We will. Now stop fidgeting." Lydia was being as patient as she could but everyone had a limit to how much of Stiles' fidgeting they could do. He kept tapping his hand on the dashboard and making a clicking noise with his tongue. It was a few minutes before she snapped, "Stiles!"

He jumped and looked at her "What?" he looked worried.

"Can't you do anything else?" Lydia was about to keep yelling before her eyes widened and she stopped the car.

"Lydia what's wrong?" Stiles tried shaking her. She didn't say anything she just pointed out the windsheild.

A hooded figure stood about 50 feet from Lydia's car.

"Is it the wolf?" Lydia whispered.

"No, the wolf was at least a foot taller." Stiles whispered back. They both knew that if it was a wolf than whispering would be pointless. "I'm gonna go check it out." Stiles went to open the door but before he could it was whipped open and he was being dragged out.

"Stiles!" Lydia screamed as she watched another hooded figure drag him away from the car. Lydia got out grabbing a bat out of her back seat running toward the figure. Before she got a full swing it it turned around blue eyes glowing and caught the bat with one hand squeezing, causing it to snap. The figure swung, throwing Stiles onto Lydia. The two lay there trying to get up and run to the car but the original hooded figure stood in between them and it. Stile held Lydia behind him as he looked side to side. The two of them were trapped by the hoods.

Just as the blue eyed figure lunged at the two there was an explosion of sparks and it fell backwards covering its eyes. Stiles and Lydia both looked back at the new figure that had taken it's hood off.

"Allison?" Lydia stuttered almost collapsing before Stiles caught her. "How are you alive?"

Allison remained where she was, bow now out, with an arrow notched and ready to go. The figure stood up and was already running away into the woods.

"Allison, how are you.." Lydia started walking toward her best friend that she thought she'd never see again.

"No questions. Get out of the woods. Now!" She shouted as she shot an arrow in between her and her friends causing another flash of light.

"Allison!" Lydia ran through the smoke but she was gone.

"Lydia how is this possible?" Stiles walked over to her trying to calm down the hectic Lydia.

"I don't know." she just shook.

"We need to get back to the Lakehouse and tell everyone." She just nodded and got in the passenger side, letting Stiles drive.


"Just a small town girl! Livin' in a lonely world!" Mason sang to Kira as the two dueted into the night, not knowing what the other two groups had witnessed.

"Hey I just got a text from Scott." Kira paused the music to check her phone, "It says to head back to the Lakehouse ASAP, they found Liam."

"Okey Dokey!" Mason turned around heading back.


When Lydia and Stiles finally made it back to the Lakehouse the others had already returned.

"You are never going to believe who Liam saw." Isaac blurted out the minute Lydia and Stiles got out of the car.

"I think we have you beat." Stiles helped the still shaken Lydia toward the house.

"Erica's back. Liam met her and I caught her scent." Isaac exclaimed "wait what'd you see?" Isaac now noticing how shaken Lydia was.

"Uh, well we kind of saw..."

"Stiles, come on, out with it." Scott chuckled a little bit.

"We saw Allison." Lydia let out the words just loud enough for everyone to hear it.

"Wh..what?" Scott stumbled backwards. "What do you mean you saw Allison?" Scott was handling the situation about as well as Lydia.

"We got attacked by the blue eyed wolf from before and she came in with her bow and scared it off. Then she disappeared."

"Wait so you're telling me that first Jennifer comes back, then Erica, and now Allison?" Isaac was trying to solve the apparent puzzle.

"I guess so?" Scott said quietly "The real question is.."

"Why?" Stiles finished his sentence.

"Yeah." Scott sighed "Why are they back."

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