Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Finally here." Jackson exhaled before dropping his bag on the couch.  "Is this place a freaking suite?" he looked around the large hotel suite.  There was a large living room with a Jacuzzi in the middle and two doors about twenty feet away leading most likely to bedrooms.

"Yep, Zach only travels in style." Cuyber laughed while walking in behind Jackson and walking over to one of two side by side doors.  "So Zach's taking this room so I guess we're sharing this one." Cuyber smiled before tossing his bag into the adjoined room.

"And I'm going to bed.  I'm exhausted." Zach interrupted before walking passed the two older boys and closing himself inside the room.

"I'm gonna crash too." Cuyber nodded before entering the other room.

"Suite yourselves!" Jackson yelled then spoke quietly to himself "I'm gonna use the Jacuzzi."  Jackson looked around to see if there were any towels, lucky for him there were two by the bedrooms.  He'd worry about that later.  Jackson looked around before realizing he hadn't brought a bathing suit.  "Shit."  he whispered to himself.  "Eh no one will mind."  Jackson took his shirt and shoes off before double checking the room.  "Yep all clear." he smiled before dropping his pants and getting in the hot tub.  The water was soothing and slowly unwound the tension he had felt in his joints from sitting for the long car ride.

The way the jets blew were twisting and knotting Jackson's boxers.  "Crap." he murmured before just taking them off and tossing them across the room.  "Everyone's asleep anyway."

Jackson laid his head back and closed his eyes, taking in the soothing atmosphere, thing's were almost perfect until he heard the door to his bedroom open.  

"Hey mind if I join you?" Cuyber stood by the door frame wearing sweatpants and a tank.

"Umm Uhh, no, not at all." Jackson stuttered before reaching over and turning the jets to 100% to cover his nudity.

"Thanks." Cuyber smiled before dropping his pants.

Jackson wasn't sure whether or not he was grateful or upset that he had been wearing boxer briefs, although they did not leave much to the imagination. Cuyber's bulge seemed thick and strong, protruding a few inches through the fabric.

"My eyes are up here." Cuyber chuckled. Jackson swallowed.

"I know. So if you don't mind me asking, why doesn't Zach use magic?" Jackson needed to say anything to distract Cuyber from his increased heart rate and the stench of arousal.

"Wow, well that's a quite a interesting story." Cuyber chuckled as he eased himself into the water. Jackson hadn't realized that he had grabbed a beer earlier as well. Cuyber flexed whilst getting into the pool, causing a certain member to twitch before momentarily bobbing in the water.

"I've got time. Shoot." Jackson smiled. God why couldn't he have worn his boxers into the Jacuzzi.

"As you probably know, Zach is one of six children."

"Yeah I know. He had another brother and sister, right?"

"Yeah. Zach's brother Caleb was the one who could heal people. Zach inherited that ability when Caleb and their sister died."

Jackson's eyes grew soft. He knew the pain of losing family, but he also knew that Cuyber had also felt that way. Cuyber's the last one of his Coven.

"How'd they die?" Jackson sat up more. Cuyber moved across the Jacuzzi, resting next to Jackson. He still assumed that Cuyber hadn't seen his nudity.

"The three of them were in the car when a truck hit them." Cuyber exhaled. "Caleb was the youngest of them and he healed Zach first before himself. Zach was his hero. After that he passed out from the blood loss. Zach had time to drag them out of the car but his only power at the time was to take and remove pain." Jackson could tell that Cuyber was slightly choking up, he must have been close to them, "Zach held both of them in their last moments. They were writhing in pain so he did the only thing he could think of, he took their pain away so their last moments were peaceful. He blames himself for what happened. He thinks that if he wasn't there, Caleb would have healed himself than Liz and they would have made it."

Blood is thicker than Water(Boyxboy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon