Chapter Twenty-Four

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Jackson's POV

"How much longer?" I asked, balancing my attention between Cuyber and the road.

"Says here about three more hours." He fixed his position. He had been slouching against the door but straightened up. He's wearing jeans and a gray sweatshirt. I wonder if he's wearing anything under the sweatshirt. Wait? Why do I care? I don't.

"I have the worst headache ever and the pain relievers aren't working, wait, can werewolves even get headaches?" I massaged one of my temples. "What the hell!" my attention was once again redirected to Cuyber who was laughing to himself. "What's so funny?" I gritted my teeth angrily. This migraine was making me miserable.

"Zachary he's had enough, can you lower your range a little?" Cuyber turned to Zach who was quietly sitting in the backseat flipping through the pages of an old book, it was leather bound and about 5x8 inches.

"Oh, sorry." He said innocently before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. I was surprised by the instant relief of pain he previously felt. It almost felt like a gentle stream washed away the pain that had been grabbing at my mind.

"Wow, what was that?" I whipped his head around before turning back to the road.

"One of Zach's abilities is to take away pain and to cause it." Cuyber rolled the window down a bit.

"So what was up with the headache?!" I looked in his rear view to make eye contact with Zach. "What the hell dude?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"I'm so sorry." His heartbeat was steady but his eyes held something I hadn't seen in a long time, remorse. "I don't use my magic unless I have to but when I'm not in a situation where I'm one hundred percent comfortable I give off a vibe. It's like a built in security system." He looked down. Zach's eyes were green like Deryn's but his hair was gold blond like Amory's. He looked sweet, innocent. Luke looked the same way when we met him. I'm just glad this one doesn't like using magic.

"It's all right dude," I smiled at him and he returned a smaller one. "I get what it's like to not be able to control yourself." I looked back at the road, I could feel Cuyber's glare on me. "Is there a problem?" I asked.

Cuyber barely turned to face my direction, "No, just thinking." he turned away to face the road. What was up with him?


Cuyber's POV

I can't even imagine how he must have felt. Being so lost with who he really was that the animal inside of him turned cold and venomous. I hear Amory telling Deryn all the time about the pack. That Jackson's some asshole who thinks he's better than everyone, but I don't see that. He looks almost afraid, afraid to let anyone in. There's that Lydia girl he hangs out with but besides that I haven't seen him around the rest of them.

"So what's that book you keep looking through?" Jackson asked Zach. He had been looking at his book the entire trip.

"It's my Grimoire." He set it on his lap. "I figured I should have my own with any necessary spells just in case our family one is stolen again, and I keep any spells I've created that work in it." Jackson nodded.

"That's smart."

"Thanks." Zach blushed and looked out the window. Why is he blushing? Jackson's two years older than him, he better knock it off. Wait? Why do I care? What I really care about is why Jackson's scent is throwing me off.

"So I have a question about your tribe or coven or whatever." Jackson swallowed.

"Shoot." Zach leaned back.

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