Chapter Twenty-Nine

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If things go as planned then there will only be 2 more chapters to this story! I'm still debating whether or not to do a sequel so if you think I should please vote for me and comment too! Thank you all so much for reading, love you all!

Liam's POV

"So that was...." I looked up to make eye contact with Stiles. I'm laying on him and my chin is on his chest.

"Wow." Stiles smiled from ear to ear. We both laughed and I moved so I was next to him in bed. The cotton sheets are spread across us, covering both of our lower halves. I lean in and kiss Stiles on the cheek before resting on my arm next to him.

Stiles looked at me with a puzzled face before just smiling and looking forward.

"What?" I ask him but he just shakes his head left to right and chuckles.

"Nothing." He bites his lip.

"No, tell me!" I smile and he takes my hand in his.

"I don't get how I could have forgotten someone like you." his eyes were soft but held something else in them, something that made them glimmer.

"Same way I almost thought I had lost you when you were in your coma."  Stiles got closer to hold me against him, I put my ear to his chest and listened to the rhythm of his heart.

"We're both here now.  For good."


After Classes later that day

"Let's go Malia! Come on!" Scott yelled to her from across the school parking lot. "We still have to meet everyone before tonight." Malia made her way to Scott's dirt-bike and put the extra helmet on. 

"Sorry!  I was taking a math quiz and the stupid teacher wouldn't let me leave till it was finished."  she grunted before getting on the bike.

"Really?" Scott asked.  "How much did you have left?"

Malia sighed before mumbling "Everything after the name and date lines."  Scott chuckled before heading out of the school parking lot.


"Swing!  Duck!  Slice!" Kira commanded.  She blocked each of the other person's attacks and struck back. 

"Man, you make this look so easy Kira."  The other person panted. 

Kira put her practice swords away before laughing.  "You're an amazingly quick learner.  I'd say almost as good as me, if not just as."

"Really?" They nodded before turning on their heels and walking towards their car door and unlocking it.  "You coming to meet up?"  they asked the fox.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a second.  Thanks for giving me a ride Lydia!" Kira smiled and got into the passenger side of the strawberry blond's car.  Once they were both in the car and driving off Kira decided to ask the question that had been building inside of her, "So Lydia, can I ask you something?"

Lydia turned her head slightly to answer back, "Yeah, what's up?" 

"You've been having me train you with melee weapons for about a month now."

"And your question is?"


Lydia bit her lips before sighing.  "Because I'm tired of being the weak one.  Banshee are supposed to be so respected and desired but at the same time...I don't get any kind of offensive ability."  Lydia turned onto another road, "Just like Allison has been teaching me how to shoot since she got back secretly and Jordan has been teaching me hand to hand."

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