Chapter Nine

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Liam's POV

Stiles asked to talk to me after practice. He probably wants to talk about what happened last weekend. When I kissed him... I don't know what I'll say. I really like him, like really really like him but he's not over Derek and I'm afraid of getting hurt.

After practice I went for a quick run before heading back to the locker room. The cool air felt great. It was beginning to get dark by the time I made it back. I looked around outside but Stiles was gone. He must have left. I undress myself and grab a towel and my shower bag, heading to the shower hall. I always go for a run after practice, that way when I get back I can shower alone in peace. I turn on the hot water and begin to wash myself. I close my eyes and put my head under the water letting it trickle down my body, causing me to shudder. I begin to rub my chest and arms when I hear another heartbeat.

"Liam? Is that you?" Stiles walked into the shower hall.

"Stiles, I'm a... little busy." I stepped behind the half wall.

"I won't peek but we both know if we don't talk now we'll find a way to avoid it later." He stepped closer.

"Okay. So what do you want to talk about?" I ask a stupid question already knowing the answer.

"About the other night. When you kissed me." Stiles wasn't fidgeting or anything. He was completely dedicated to this talk.

"What's there to talk about? I kissed you, you didn't feel the same way. That's all."

"No that's not all." Stiles snapped a little.

"It's not?" I feel like an idiot. I never actually listened to everything he had to say.

"Liam, Liam I really like you but I'm afraid of getting hurt again, like with Derek. He just left and now a new super nice guy that I'm attracted to kisses me? I'm petrified." A tear left Stiles' eye.

"I scare you?" I step forward facing him. The water is touching his shoes and we're both being hit by the showers recoil.

"Yeah." Stiles gulped.

"Is that good or bad?" I step again, my naked body now only inches from his body.

"I guess we'll have to find out." Stiles pushes me into the wall under the shower head, attacking my lips with his own. I think about resisting but instead I trust him again and push my tongue into his mouth asking for entry and he allows it only to return the intimacy. Our tongues intertwine in a hot mess. I had almost forgotten I was completely naked. Stiles' lips leave mine only to find my neck where he continues to bite and suck, leaving purple marks that fade just as they were created.

"Stiles." I moan and he holds my hands over my head now directing his lips and teeth to my collar bone. I moan again and he briefly kisses me before I free my hands from his grip, grabbing the bottom of his shirt and pulling it off of him. I reach down, untying his gym shorts as he kicks off his cleats. He takes off his socks so now it's just him in his boxers and we make out against the shower wall.

"Liam. Wait." He stops. He freaking stops.

"What?" I stand there as we breathe each other in.

"I don't know what I want here. I think I just might want physical contact. I don't know if I want anything more," I cut him off before he over thinks it.

"If you want physical contact, go hug something," I lean in whispering into his ear, "Find me when you figure yourself out." I walk past him hitting his shoulder with my own. I throw on a pair of my gym shorts and a tank top. I grab my bag and begin to walk home.


Stiles POV

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