Chapter Twenty-One

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So it's been a little while since I last updated so I apologize for that. I've gotten some messages from people saying they're a little confused so this first scene is here to clear everything up for everyone. Hope you all Enjoy!

Two weeks later;

"So he doesn't remember anything at all?" Mason took a bite of his sandwich, while he sat across from Liam. Lydia next to Mason and Scott by Liam.

"Nope." Liam played with his pasta, continuously turning it with his fork.

"Don't just 'nope' me, what's going on with the pack, you guys have completely deserted me just as you accepted me."

"We cut you off to protect you." Scott stared at him.

"Well that's bull shit." Mason hissed. "It didn't keep me safe from the Berserker and it definitely hasn't from the apparent wolves that threatened to kill me if you didn't give up a vile of your blood." Mason exhaled, releasing all of the pent up anger from before.

"You're right." Liam looked up to meet his glare. "Stiles and I were getting along great, then when he was in his coma, Luke used a spell that apparently erased me from his memory completely. Deryn, Amory, and their youngest brother Zach are trying to help us fix Luke's actions but the Grimoire is huge and they haven't found the spell that'll do it yet."

"Jackson has been training with that guy Cuyber that is apparently a Kanima by choice." Lydia rolled her eyes.

"Is someone jealous?" Mason winked.

"Psshht, no! I just don't get why anyone would want to be a Kanima."

"Well they're stronger and faster than werewolves, except for Alphas, they're around the same." Scott tilted his head.

"But I thought they don't get strength from the pack like the rest of you." Lydia questioned.

"They don't, but that doesn't make them weak." Scott took a bite of his burger.

"Back to what's going on, so Deryn, Amory and Zach are good?" Mason raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, apparently Amory wants to give up her power and be human but Luke wants to kill them all first and take their magic so he took the Gromoire so they couldn't turn her human on the Lunarni Eclipse."

"Why'd he use the spell on Stiles?"

"He probably figures if we're spending time trying to fix Stiles then we won't be looking for him." Lydia moved a lock of hair out of her face. "I've been trying to jog Stiles' memory for the past few weeks but nothing works. He genuinely can't remember Liam." She frowned. "And the worst part is, Luke must have done something to make Stiles fall for Derek again. All he asks is 'Why hasn't Derek come back?' and 'We never broke up.'" Lydia tried using her best Stiles voice.

"What about Erica and Allison?" Mason stretched. "They still good or nah?"

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