Chapter Fourteen

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Eighteen Months Ago

"I can't do it."

"Yes you can. Just concentrate." The tall man walked around the table in the room where he had the two teenagers standing.

"I've been trying for like half an hour."

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes." The boy rolled his eyes.

"Hold up your hand and concentrate." The man made his was across from the teen.

"Okay." The teenager held up his hand, within moments a spark ignited a single candle of the many of them placed on the small table in front of the two teens.

"Good job Lucas!" The man cheered.

"Thanks dad." He smiled back.

"Your turn now." The blond girl smiled before snapping her fingers, igniting all of the others. "Very impressive Amory." He winked at his daughter.

"What can I say, I'm a killer at this magic stuff." Amory boasted, most proud of herself.


"Whaddaya thinking about?" Erika asked joining Luke at the kitchen table in Luke's apartment. More like mansion. The entire ground floor was storage and luxury items. The second floor was where the kitchen and living room was. Their third floor consisted of all of their bedrooms along with two extra.

"Nothing." He lied, knowing Erica could hear his heartbeat. "I'm worried about tomorrow." He sighed. "More like petrified. Amory has always been stronger. I'm not worried about being able to find her with the locator spell, I'm worried about what'll happen when we do."

Erica realized his insecurity and in an attempt to help took his hand in hers.

"I have complete faith in you. You brought three reaaalllyyy dead chicks back from the dead. That's no small deal." She raised an eyebrow to him.

"Yeah I know, but that was a spell. When it comes to offensive abilities, Amory's like a tank."

Erica gave him another smile and a squeeze of the hand before speaking again, "So how does your magic work?"


"Tonight's the full moon and we're going to have to be ready for Amory and the other pack. Luke, Erica, Allison and Jennifer have offered to help us." Scott stood in front of the entire pack.

"How do we even know we can trust them?" Malia leaned against the counter against the wall. She realized how she must have sounded because right away she followed up, "I mean I know that you guys miss them, I get it. If my mom and sister walked in I wouldn't question them for a second but these people, they were brought back with magic and I haven't really seen any movies about magic, or any at all but something tells me you don't use happy light magic to resurrect the dead."

"Wow." Lydia stood by Jackson, "That's like the deepest thing you have EVER said Malia."

"Yeah I know right?!" She nodded, impressed with herself.

"What about you though?" Kira asked pointing to Lydia, "You predicted at least one of their deaths, didn't you?"

She pursed her lips together obviously a little taken by the comment, "Yeah my best friends." The room fell silent.

"Well that's not what I meant, I'm just saying maybe there's a way to see if you can sense whether it's even them."

"I know it is." Lydia exhaled. "When someone dies, I scream and I feel the air flow in and out of my lungs but when I saw Allison, It felt like someone had taken all of the air out of me."

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