Chapter Twenty

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So I hope you're all enjoying the story! I like to keep you on your toes with everything that's going on! I just added to the cast list so you could get a look at my interpretation of some of my original characters. I've gotten some positive feedback from you guys through messaging and I love it! Keep it up and I will do the same!

"What did you just ask?" Scott sat down next to his friend.

"I was wondering who Liam was that you were going to get him?" Stiles was telling the truth. Scott could hear how steady his heartbeat was. "Did he come with with her?" Stiles pointed to Deryn.

"No, he didn't." Scott took Stiles hand in his own, "Stiles you really don't remember?" Scott turned to Deryn, quickly motioning her to the corner of the room.

"Deryn, what the hell. Why can't he remember Liam?!" Scott whispered roughly.

"It's not my fault. Memory spells are done with the Grimoire. I wouldn't try something like that and I can't fix it without that damn book." she whispered back.

"Stiles?!" They whipped around to see Liam run over to Stiles, taking his lips in his own. "Oh my god I thought I'd never talk to you again."

"What the hell!" Stiles pushed Liam away. "Who are you?"

"I'm Liam, you know, your boyfriend?" Liam cocked an eyebrow.

"My what?! No you're not, I'm dating Derek." Liam could feel his heart slowing, his stomach tying itself in a knot.

"Stiles we've been dating for almost a month." Liam reached for his hand but he just pulled it away. "Luke. That bastard!"

"Wait Luke's the bad guy now?" Stiles looked back and forth between Liam and Scott.

"Scott what the hell?!" Liam yelled.

"Don't look at me!" he threw his arms in the air. "I didn't do it!"

"Both of you stop!" Deryn shouted. "Luke must have used a spell from the Grimoire. If we get that than I'm sure there's a spell that will undue what Luke did."

"Okay then," Liam stood up, "Where's the Grimoire?"

Scott's eyes widened, "Erica and Allison!"


"So how does this Banshee thing work? Do you just find a dead body?" Erica drove while Lydia sat passenger seat, Allison in the back and Deaton in the trunk.

"Yup." Lydia looked out the window.

"Do you know it's happening or..."

"Nope, complete auto pilot. My dead people radar turns on and I find them."

"That some scary movie shit right there." Erica laughs.

"Yeah but when I scream I can be heard throughout Beacon Hills." She winked.

"No freaking way." Erica nodded in approval.

"And I hear the voices of other Banshees sometimes."

"What do they say?" Erica raised an eyebrow almost leaning towards Lydia.

"Not sure, I scream then I hear them."

"Then why don't you scream more often?"

"Because a Banshee's scream almost always signals death." Lydia spoke like it wasn't a big deal at all, Allison holding in laughter while Erica had a look of complete shock on her face.

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