How I became a woman first time and completely forgot about it

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I admit, even I could not have expected this

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I admit, even I could not have expected this. The birth of the big moon destroyed my physical body, and I ended up in a worm's space. More precisely, I – is too big of a word. There was no self left. Only presence remained. Although I could observe the worm and even feel it moving in the passages it had dug in this unusual space. The worm crawled along them, slowly moving its heavy body, then getting stuck and tossing, then sliding into giant cavities. It's not just the top and bottom were mixed in them, but the dimensions could also increase and decrease their resolution. And it is me telling you this, an immortal who has never set foot in a four-dimensional consciousness.

In the end, the worm curled up into a sphere in one of the "grottoes" and froze. Fear, struggling with curiosity, were bursting me to the point that I touched him with my presence. Energy was circulating inside the worm. Curiosity finally won out, and I penetrated it completely. My consciousness filled the creature, although it would be more accurate to say that I let the worm into my consciousness. And then conception happened.

I woke up in a bed in the middle of a military hospital

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I woke up in a bed in the middle of a military hospital. The wounded were moaning nearby, and the male nurses wandered among them, giving injections to the especially struggling ones, after which they calmed down and became quiet for a while.

"How did you end up here, sister?" said one of the bedridden, half-asleep looking at me from the next row.

Not finding what to say, I just blinked stupidly, examining his mutilated face.

"Concussion?" he asked sympathetically, "And I was torn apart..." and the soldier lifted his veil, showing me only half of his body.

Nausea rose in my throat, and I turned to the side, where there was a bucket next to the bed, where I immediately vomited.

Under the roar of the cannonade, I was thrown out of the hospital as soon as a new batch of wounded arrived. They gave me someone's torn dress several sizes bigger, and I went out into the blinding light of both suns. There were tents everywhere you looked. Those who angered fortune and found themselves on the front line in the wrong place and at the wrong time were brought here from all over the front.

 Those who angered fortune and found themselves on the front line in the wrong place and at the wrong time were brought here from all over the front

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