Admiral Ivanova

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One of the most tragic and memorable stories that happened at the launch site was the story of Admiral Priscilla Farukhovna Ivanova

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One of the most tragic and memorable stories that happened at the launch site was the story of Admiral Priscilla Farukhovna Ivanova. She served in the 15th Space Fleet named after the Worm-Emperor in the epsilon 11A-0-37 combat zone. Such zones were located all over the galaxy, and there was talk that they wanted to give an entire spiral arm for such events.

 Such zones were located all over the galaxy, and there was talk that they wanted to give an entire spiral arm for such events

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Those who wanted to shoot and blow things up enrolled in military academies under the patronage of various corporations. In addition to quenching the thirst for bloodshed (although, in fact, only the equipment suffered), the immortals who took part in the war staged a real show for the rest of the galaxy. The stakes were real, the corporation that won the local conflict gained trade control over the peaceful sector. And for those who chose the winning side of the conflict, it was a real chance to enrich themselves and become famous. Sociologists often attributed the fascination with war to the second peak of interest in life among the immortals, followed by the "endless night". The darkest of the depressions of eternity in a three-dimensional body.

At the second peak, Ivanova came to the war, having lived for 800 years, she again felt a taste for life and enrolled in a guards corps of the Status3 corporation, engaged in the extraction of void energy

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At the second peak, Ivanova came to the war, having lived for 800 years, she again felt a taste for life and enrolled in a guards corps of the Status3 corporation, engaged in the extraction of void energy.

At the second peak, Ivanova came to the war, having lived for 800 years, she again felt a taste for life and enrolled in a guards corps of the Status3 corporation, engaged in the extraction of void energy

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