To the sky!

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When I got out of the elevator shaft, the ship shook

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When I got out of the elevator shaft, the ship shook. From somewhere above, metal boxes fell down the corridor. I barely managed to dodge one of them crashing into the elevator doorway. But my heart really skipped a beat when I finally saw that they had filled up exactly the place where the exit was. For a long time I had to rake them under water with my hands, and then with my wishes, because my strength was not enough for this.

Completely exhausted, I got out of the ship and swam to the surface. The air once again ran out, and I closed my eyes to wish myself full lungs, but the wish did not materialize. In a panic, I twitched and clutched at my throat. My body was burdened with fear and began to sink to the bottom. My lungs clenched, trying to squeeze out the last of the oxygen.

The spaceship next to me shook again, and large air bubbles crawled up its side

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The spaceship next to me shook again, and large air bubbles crawled up its side. One of them was moving in my direction and putting all the remaining strength I made a dash in its direction. Fortunately, I was lucky and a bubble enveloped my head. It was right in the bubble, the body was outside, and for a while I hung between it and the ship as if in a spacesuit from my neurodream, trying to breathe enough. Letting me do it, the bubble rushed up, and after a slight confusion, I followed it.

I surfaced next to the left side of the Nameless. The submarine was on the other side.

"If they pull some trick, I'll start killing you one by one," screamed Fig, "What are these bubbles? Confess!"

"Sailor, come to your senses, a tribunal is waiting for you for disobeying a senior officer," Lieutenant Lipovaska tried to reason with him in a trembling voice.

"And hell awaits you for helping a demon, you high-born pig," Fig snapped and cocked the trigger.

"No, no, don't shoot," Kolitar's voice rang out, "we don't know anything about what's going on there.

"Hell doesn't exist," Savaya shouted.

"Then you will check," the sailor grinned.

"Come to your senses, she's just a child," the lieutenant shouted.

I grabbed the side of the ship and with difficulty pulled myself up on the railing, climbing, rattling against the rusty metal, onto the deck. The sailor Fig, who was standing on the bow of the submarine, jumped up and fired. The bullet hit me in the shoulder, and I fell to the deck of the Nameless with a loud scream.

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