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I found myself on the roof of another building, not far from the museum

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I found myself on the roof of another building, not far from the museum. In front of me stood a dense group of Chinese colonists, who continued to sing their praises of chaos a cappella. Something was happening in front of them, but I couldn't see anything behind their backs.

"You promised to keep my power," a familiar voice rang out, "you promised to help me."

"We're helping. Can't you see?" another familiar voice answered, "If it weren't for us, the Children of the Stars would have already destroyed both your power and those over whom you wanted to spread its wing."

"Yes, but what about the army of Grummays?"

I looked around, but I didn't see how I could get around the crowd of singers, and began to squeeze inside, surprised by my hand, which turned out to be healthy, as if the bullet had never hit the bone.

"Chaos cannot obey you. It mixes colors, you know? You want to destroy, we will create; create, and we will help you; destroy, we will restore. Today the city is saved. It may not be here tomorrow. That's the law."

"But I helped you. Back on the ship, you promised me in the presence of your I, or whatever her name is... holograms of hers, damn her moons."

I was still making my way through the crowd, but at these words I froze. The memories of my neural dream, in which I met with Yon and Gwon, reappeared before my inner eye. So that means...

"Do you want to say that you are dissatisfied?"

"No, no... That is, yes, I'm not happy!" a voice screamed shrilly, "This is not at all what we agreed on. I haven't heard anything about any chaos and its stupid rules. You were supposed to protect me from Grummays. That's why I called you here."

"We did not know the wisdom of the Lady yet; we did not get her from the bottom of the ocean. Now everything is according to her law."

"Oh moons..."

I continued to squeeze through the crowd, looking at the ball of fire shrinking over the city. Now it was no bigger than the moon in the sky.

When I finally made my way to the open space in front of the crowd, I saw Master Akatsin kneeling in front of Yon

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When I finally made my way to the open space in front of the crowd, I saw Master Akatsin kneeling in front of Yon. His huge nose was shaking with sobs. Behind them, on the edge of the roof, was she, the same woman I met at St. Sophtia. I didn't recognize her at all by her appearance, because she herself was almost lying down, leaning towards the ball and only her hands were rising and falling steadily. But I could feel the same unbreakable will emanating from her, which was now squeezing this ball. Turning inside, I felt that she was still drinking my strength, draining the unresisting worm dry.

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