The Silent One

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A couple of years ago, an Angel was finally brought to us

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A couple of years ago, an Angel was finally brought to us. Too much too fast. I, who had been dreaming about this for centuries, somehow did not even understand what had happened for the first months. A cargo module the size of our entire asteroid had parked at the nearest Lagrange point of our black hole. Then a huge portal opened there. I have not seen such in my entire immortal life. By the way, we share the perception of life before and after immortality, but this is a topic for another record. The fact that the Angel was brought became clear when this monstrous fork-like something began to appear from the shimmering veil of the portal. For three months he just got out of there. Yes, not by himself, it was clear from the satellite that he was being pulled by a lot of small modules with a spatial engine. And since then, he has been flying to the launcher from the porting site for a couple of years. I forgot about it, but today he arrived.

 I forgot about it, but today he arrived

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How huge he turned out to be. I think that if his body had participated in the gravitational interaction, then we would have just been flattened into him here, and then blown into the Baby. But the nature of Angels is difficult to understand and accept. The technology dates back to Earth. There people learned to move consciousness to higher dimensions. Consciousness turned out to be like gas and occupied all the free space that the multidimensional mind allowed. Some scientists, on the contrary, believed that everything is consciousness and we only discover its forms, which is why it is so easy and mastered on any multidimensional medium. But I don't know it all, tried to read, tried all these pamphlets for the advanced. Couldn't.


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