
Start from the beginning

"In the garage. The volleyball might need to be inflated again and all of the things necessary to set up the net should be in a bag next to the nets. Thank you." She called after him as he opened the door to her garage and disappeared behind it.

Bhavika walked into her bedroom and rummaged through her dresser drawers trying to find something to wear. Nike shorts and a sports bra would suffice for the activities planned for the rest of the day. She packed a change of clothes, two water bottles and a large snack bag - practically her entire pantry - and called it good.

"Ready to go?" Jake called and unlocked the front door.

"Sure am." Bhavika said and sound the bags over her shoulder.

"Woah that is a lot of stuff you sure you need all of that darlin'?"

"All of you men eat massive amounts of food, so in that case I need to supply that massive amount." She handed him the snack bag with an innocent smile.

"Jesus this is heavy." Jake said and hoisted up the bag.

"Oh, I didn't know you couldn't lift that. Here I'll take that back from you." Bhavika poked fun at him.

"Nope I've got it sweetheart." Jake said and hauled the bag over his shoulder.

"You got it cowboy." She smacked his back and followed him down the steps.

Jake nearly threw the bag into the car, Bhavika knew the bag was heavy. She just chose to hide it, it was funny to see him trying to impress her, but she could honestly care less.

"How much shit did you put in there?"

"I need to go to the grocery store after that, is all you need to know." She beamed at him and he drove off in the direction of the beach.

The couple arrived at the Hard Deck and went around to the beach in the back. She spotted all of the women there, they were going to put number the men at some point. There were completely even 11 and 11, with Mav and Penny they were 12 and 12.

"Hey everyone!" She hollered to the squad and their partners. There was a chorus of hello's. "Can some of you guys help grab the volleyball stuff?"

Some of the guys ran over to Jake's truck to help him grab the stuff and Bhavika joined the group of women.

"Hey there." She smiled and set down her bags.

"Welcome back, how was Texas?" Natasha said and hugged her briefly.

"Great! It was really great." Bhavika smiled widely. "His family is the sweetest. His mother is probably one of the most amazing mothers I've ever met, but my standards aren't hard to reach." Athena smacked her arm at her joke.

"Not funny."

"Sorry." Bhavika laughed. "Look the boys are coming."

They all pitched in too help set up the volleyball court. The squad made quick work of it and were up and ready to play with in 20 minutes.

"Let's play!" Bhavika announced and everyone cheered.

They guys had all taken off their shirts - well except for Bob - and the women hanging at the beach could only stare, some guys too. Unlucky for the women trying to sink their manicured claws into any of the guys, all of them were taken - Neil wasn't but there was speculation on that. Maybe six years ago they all would have had a chance, but no one on the Dagger Squad was single. Moves had been made.

𝘀𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗻'𝘀 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹 ༄ 𝗷. 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗻Where stories live. Discover now