Part 5 Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

"Agreed, since the countries in Rodenius are already using DC-4, they will be able to travel to those islands and to the Mu Empire. Make immediate tourism packages to the islands and also add flight routes to Mu Empire, start using jet planes to reduce travel time. Can the airport in the Kingdom of Quila as the closest place to the islands, support jet aircraft?" ask Trevat

"Yes sir, almost all airfields on the Rodenius continent are capable of supporting jet aircraft." said Admiral Ira.

"Okay. How about in Mu Empire?" asked Trevat further.

"It can't, sir. The airfield in the Mu capital, can support jet fighters but is not long enough to support long-range commercial jets." Admiral Ira responded

"That means we can start exporting jet fighters, right? Immediately prepare the planes to be sent to the Mu Empire immediately." Trevat's orders. "We can take a jet plane to the island closest to Mu and from there continue to the Mu Empire using a propeller plane."

After that, the meeting talked about what technology would be given to the Mu Empire.

The conclusions of the meeting were:

New Earth exploration areas:

- New Earth exploration will be carried out more thoroughly. A large number of probe droids will be sent to perform detailed mapping in the New Earth system.

- All active installations in the New Earth system will be explored simultaneously.

- New technologies will soon be researched and implemented in Myto Empire.

- Industrial assets will be transferred to New Earth soon to begin producing equipment to restore the ecosystem to M class.Those assets are also used to start creating new outpost cities on New Earth itself and throughout the New Earth system.

- 8th Defense Fleet will be moved to New Earth for system security.

- Will begin to form sectors that will be led by the governor. A sector is formed when the population exceeds 10 million people.

- The mapping of the 500 light-year radius is far from complete, this is due to the vast area and the need for detailed mapping to locate the original class M planets and hyperspace lanes.

- Inspection results have been obtained from foreign satellites orbiting Elysia. The satellite is a multifunctional satellite that is used to relay communications using a manacomm, and a positioning satellite. It's just that the position that is determined is not only the position in three dimensions, but also the position in time, where the chronitron particles are used to give signals to the receiver. The power system does not use conventional power such as solar power or reactors, but uses magic accumulators. In general, all systems on the satellite use magic. It's still being researched as to what magic to use. The satellite uses a timer to activate the satellite from its current inactive state. By looking at the timer, it is known that the satellite will be alive in 10 years. From the writing on the satellite, it is known that it belongs to the Revernal Empire.

Relations with the Mu Empire:

- New technologies will be offered to the Mu Empire. Of particular concern is military technology. It is hoped that the Mu Empire can become a stabilizer for aggressive countries like the Gra Valkas Empire.

- The manufacture of military equipment that will and has been ordered by Mu Empire will be accelerated, so that regional stability is expected to be achieved soon.

- The Mu Empire and the Myto Empire will soon establish a jointly owned airline to connect the Mu continent, Rodenius continent, and Terminus island.It is hoped that it will increase the flow of tourism and form a new business, namely the tourism business. Therefore, quite a number of DC-8, DC-4, and DC-7 aircraft will be prepared.

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