He then seemed to wait, before a minute passed and he let out a very long list of curses.

"What the fuck?! How come I can't get out of here?! And then that newbie detective kid leaves within a few minutes! Where the hell is that ginger-head?!" The man started raging off as I snapped my fingers.

"Bingo." I said as I turned to Akutagawa.

"Alright, so anger-issues-man-with-gun seems to have been stuck in Poe-kun's book as well, and judging by his very calm ways of dealing things, he's been here for quite a while. I'm betting the one who left was none other than the ADA's strong point, Edogawa Ranpo. And he's seen Chuuya..." I stated as I looked over my shoulder.

"Okay, I know what to do." I said as Akutagawa turned to me, a slightly annoyed expression on his face.

"Of course you do. Unless you're planning on walking in to meet the maniac with the gun without any weapons or your ability." Akutagawa said sarcastically making me grin.

"That's exactly what I'm doing." I said already walking through the bushes as Akutagawa barely had time to register what I said before he reached forward, probably in hopes to pull me back but I had already shouted out, "Hey, anger management issues!"

At that, the man stopped very suddenly, turning around slowly to spit out, "Who the fuck said that." Akutagawa immediately ducked back, hiding in the plants.

I grinned as I waved my hand up high, "Seems anger management issues isn't the only problem you have, perhaps blind as well?" I stated as I saw him get pissed off as he raised his gun at me, the laser right on my chest.

"Woah, chill out." I said as I casually raised my hands above my head to show I wasn't a threat.

"You! Who the fuck are you and what the fuck did you just say?!" He roared as I clicked my tongue and shook my head.

"Poor you, even hearing problems, god must really hate you." I said as he didn't speak but loaded his gun with a loud click.

"You have 3 seconds to tell me who you are." He hissed as I raised a hand to my heart and forehead.

"Oh, I am nothing but a fair maiden who has somehow fallen into this unknown land in seek of shelter." I said dramatically as the man didn't point his gun away from me but looked to the side at one of the other men and nodded towards me.

"Lock her up, I'm gonna take her in for interrogation." He said in a gruff voice as his underlings answered with a quick, "Yes, sir" approaching me, pulling out some thick cuffs as I pouted.

"That's no way to treat a maiden." I said as the man whipped around.

"Shut the fuck up." He said as I shivered, turning to one of the men holding one of my arms.

"Jeez, what's up his ass." I said as I saw the mans shoulders tense up and he held his gun even tighter.

I didn't stop annoying him as he kept me walking ahead, the two soldiers just holding me tightly.

He finally snapped as I said, "Hey, just how long have you been in here for? You can't figure out a simple murder?" 

I was already waiting for the fist as he hit me straight in the stomach making me groan in pain as I slumped down, body aching as the man in front of me was breathing heavily.

"That's it, lock her up. I've had enough of this bitch." He instructed before marching off.

I silently just let myself get dragged as I had a small smirk on my face.

They threw me into a small cell as I let out a sigh and turned around to look at the soldiers.

"You know, you guys shouldn't throw people around." I said as they stared at me before locking the door with a loud click as I watched them walk off.

"A bunch of dumbasses." I muttered as I unclenched my fist with keys in my hand.

I tried unlocking the cuffs first which was proved successful but when I turned to the cell door, I found out it didn't seem to unlock those as I sighed and dug though my pockets.

I pulled out a small wire and shaped it before picking on the locks before a few seconds later there was a soft click as I triumphantly pushed the door back.

"Well, Dazai-san's tricks sure do help." I muttered before I walked out.

I crept down the halls before coming across a soldier and silently knocked him out easily as I lowered him to the ground softly before dragging him into the cell, cuffing him with the cuffs and ripped the sheets from the small bed in the cell and tied it over his muffle tightly before leaving him on the bed.

I grabbed his uniform jacket and threw it over my shoulders and grabbed the gun as well before closing the door and made my way around.

It wasn't long before I found a room full of weapons as I let out a small grin with glee.

I walked over to the stacks of guns and knives, plucking off a single dagger and balancing it on my finger.

I grabbed a few holsters and straps from cupboards, making sure to fully arm myself when I was turning to leave but suddenly when I turned the corner, I crashed into someone and I barely had time to register what happened before I pushed that person against the wall and unsheathed a knife, pressing it against their throat but paused.

"Akutagawa?!" I whisper-shouted at him as he had a shocked look on his face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"What am I doing here? Well I was planning on saving your dumbass when you just decided to piss the guys with the guns off." Akutagawa said as I rolled my eyes.

"I don't need your saving plus I had a plan." I said as I sheathed the knife but not even a second later, the sound of feet shuffling came into ear shot as we both tensed.

I didn't spare a second as I grabbed Akutagawa, dragging him into the weaponry room and opened a door, shoving him in.

"Hey, what-" He started but I just pushed in and placed a hand over his mouth.

"Shh." I shushed him as I stared through the ventilation cracks in the door as 5 men came walking in.

They all didn't have weapons but starting suiting up as I held my breathe, hand already on the pistol behind my back.

However, it seems that they didn't stay for too long as they just grabbed their assault rifles before leaving.

I let out a sigh of relief but suddenly I realised that I still had my hand over Akutagawa's mouth.

"Sorry," I started but suddenly I only seemed to realise the proximity between the two of us.

The room wasn't exactly the largest and considering I had shoved Akutagawa in, he had awkwardly leaned against the wall and I was practically sitting on one of his knees, our faces barely inches apart.

My face went hot but Akutagawa only kept staring at me.

And I stared back.

- - -


Yeahhhhhh, so I am off hiatus now whatever you say

I'm back to writing lets gooooo

Probably do weekly updates but meh depends how I feel tbh

But yeahhhhh new chapter :))


Akutagawa x Reader [Nakahara Y/n]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora